Carmen Masson, PhD

Adjunct Professor
+1 415 476-0125

Substance use Attitudes, Beliefs, Experience, and Knowledge Among Nursing and Nursing Assistant Students.

Journal of psychoactive drugs

Fokuo JK, Hutman PJ, Gruber VA, Masson CL, Lum PJ, Bush DM, Naugle JA, Sorensen JL

A cluster-randomized trial of a brief multi-component intervention to improve tobacco outcomes in substance use treatment.

Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy

Guydish J, McCuistian C, Hosakote S, Le T, Masson CL, Campbell BK, Delucchi K

Lifetime use of non-nicotine drugs in electronic cigarette devices among a sample of individuals in substance use disorder treatment.

Addictive behaviors reports

Masson CL, Gubner NR, Benowitz N, Hosakote S, Le T, Guydish JR

Pre-implementation Assessment of Tobacco Cessation Interventions in Substance Use Disorder Residential Programs in California.

Substance use & misuse

Fokuo JK, McCuistian CL, Masson CL, Gruber VA, Straus E, Wong J, Guydish JR

Formal Hepatitis C Education Increases Willingness to Receive Therapy in an On-site Shelter-Based HCV Model of Care in Persons Experiencing Homelessness.

Open forum infectious diseases

Partida D, Powell J, Ricco M, Naugle J, Magee C, Zevin B, Masson CL, Konadu Fokuo J, Gonzalez D, Khalili M

Erratum to: Adherence to Hepatitis C Therapy in a Shelter-Based Education and Treatment Model Among Persons Experiencing Homelessness.

Open forum infectious diseases

Powell J, Ricco M, Naugle J, Magee C, Hassan H, Masson C, Braimoh G, Zevin B, Khalili M

Cost of Hepatitis C care facilitation for HIV/Hepatitis C Co-infected people who use drugs.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Gutkind S, Starbird LE, Murphy SM, Teixeira PA, Gooden LK, Matheson T, Feaster DJ, Jain MK, Masson CL, Perlman DC, Del Rio C, Metsch LR, Schackman BR

Shelter-Based Integrated Model Is Effective in Scaling Up Hepatitis C Testing and Treatment in Persons Experiencing Homelessness.

Hepatology communications

Khalili M, Powell J, Park HH, Bush D, Naugle J, Ricco M, Magee C, Braimoh G, Zevin B, Fokuo JK, Masson CL

Adherence to Hepatitis C Therapy in a Shelter-Based Education and Treatment Model Among Persons Experiencing Homelessness.

Open forum infectious diseases

Powell J, Ricco M, Naugle J, Magee C, Hassan H, Masson C, Braimoh G, Zevin B, Khalili M

Care Facilitation Advances Movement Along the Hepatitis C Care Continuum for Persons With Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis C, and Substance Use: A Randomized Clinical Trial (CTN-0064).

Open forum infectious diseases

Metsch LR, Feaster DJ, Gooden LK, Masson C, Perlman DC, Jain MK, Matheson T, Nelson CM, Jacobs P, Tross S, Haynes L, Lucas GM, Colasanti JA, Rodriguez A, Drainoni ML, Osorio G, Nijhawan AE, Jacobson JM, Sullivan M, Metzger D, Vergara-Rodriguez P, Lubelchek R, Duan R, Batycki JN, Matthews AG, Munoz F, Jelstrom E, Mandler R, Del Rio C

COVID-19 vaccine trust among clients in a sample of California residential substance use treatment programs.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Masson CL, McCuistian C, Straus E, Elahi S, Chen M, Gruber VA, Le T, Guydish J

Patient-Reported Experiences with Direct Acting Antiviral Therapy in an Integrated Model of Hepatitis C Care in Homeless Shelters.

Journal of viral hepatitis

Kim S, Powell J, Naugle J, Ricco M, Magee C, Masson C, Zevin B, Bush D, Khalili M

Clients' perceptions of barriers and facilitators to implementing hepatitis C virus care in homeless shelters.

BMC infectious diseases

Masson CL, Fokuo JK, Anderson A, Powell J, Zevin B, Bush D, Khalili M

Recommendations for Implementing Hepatitis C Virus Care in Homeless Shelters: The Stakeholder Perspective.

Hepatology communications

Fokuo JK, Masson CL, Anderson A, Powell J, Bush D, Ricco M, Zevin B, Ayala C, Khalili M

Health-related internet use among opioid treatment patients.

Addictive behaviors reports

Masson CL, Chen IQ, Levine JA, Shopshire MS, Sorensen JL

Cost-effectiveness of hepatitis C screening and treatment linkage intervention in US methadone maintenance treatment programs.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Schackman BR, Gutkind S, Morgan JR, Leff JA, Behrends CN, Delucchi KL, McKnight C, Perlman DC, Masson CL, Linas BP

Structural factors affecting Asians and Pacific Islanders in community-based substance use treatment: Treatment provider perspectives.

Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse

Chang JS, Sorensen JL, Masson CL, Shopshire MS, Hoffman K, McCarty D, Iguchi M

Perceived discrimination among racial and ethnic minority drug users and the association with health care utilization.

Journal of ethnicity in substance abuse

McKnight C, Shumway M, Masson CL, Pouget ER, Jordan AE, Des Jarlais DC, Sorensen JL, Perlman DC

Hepatitis C Screening Rate Among Underserved Adults With Serious Mental Illness Receiving Care in California Community Mental Health Centers.

American journal of public health

Trager E, Khalili M, Masson CL, Vittinghoff E, Creasman J, Mangurian C

An international perspective on using opioid substitution treatment to improve hepatitis C prevention and care for people who inject drugs: Structural barriers and public health potential.

The International journal on drug policy

Perlman DC, Jordan AE, Uuskula A, Huong DT, Masson CL, Schackman BR, Des Jarlais DC

Scientific writing seminar for early-stage investigators in substance abuse research.

Substance abuse

Guydish J, Masson C, Flentje A, Shopshire M, Sorensen JL

Longitudinal analysis of pain and illicit drug use behaviors in outpatients on methadone maintenance.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Dhingra L, Perlman DC, Masson C, Chen J, McKnight C, Jordan AE, Wasser T, Portenoy RK, Cheatle MD

Viral hepatitis among drug users in methadone maintenance: associated factors, vaccination outcomes, and interventions.

Journal of addictive diseases

Perlman DC, Jordan AE, McKnight C, Young C, Delucchi KL, Sorensen JL, Des Jarlais DC, Masson CL

Education and counseling in the methadone treatment setting improves knowledge of viral hepatitis.

Journal of substance abuse treatment

Larios SE, Masson CL, Shopshire MS, Hettema J, Jordan AE, McKnight C, Young C, Khalili M, Seewald RM, Min A, Hengl N, Sorensen JL, Des Jarlais DC, Perlman DC

A randomized trial of a hepatitis care coordination model in methadone maintenance treatment.

American journal of public health

Masson CL, Delucchi KL, McKnight C, Hettema J, Khalili M, Min A, Jordan AE, Pepper N, Hall J, Hengl NS, Young C, Shopshire MS, Manuel JK, Coffin L, Hammer H, Shapiro B, Seewald RM, Bodenheimer HC, Sorensen JL, Des Jarlais DC, Perlman DC

Perceptions of drug users regarding hepatitis C screening and care: a qualitative study.

Harm reduction journal

Jordan AE, Masson CL, Mateu-Gelabert P, McKnight C, Pepper N, Bouche K, Guzman L, Kletter E, Seewald RM, Des-Jarlais DC, Sorensen JL, Perlman DC

Effects of HCV seropositive status on buprenorphine pharmacokinetics in opioid-dependent individuals.

The American journal on addictions

Masson CL, Rainey PM, Moody DE, McCance-Katz EF

Possible barriers to enrollment in substance abuse treatment among a diverse sample of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: opinions of treatment clients.

Journal of substance abuse treatment

Masson CL, Shopshire MS, Sen S, Hoffman KA, Hengl NS, Bartolome J, McCarty D, Sorensen JL, Iguchi MY

Epidemiology of pain among outpatients in methadone maintenance treatment programs.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Dhingra L, Masson C, Perlman DC, Seewald RM, Katz J, McKnight C, Homel P, Wald E, Jordan AE, Young C, Portenoy RK

NIDA's Clinical Trials Network: an opportunity for HIV research in community substance abuse treatment programs.

The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse

Tross S, Campbell AN, Calsyn DA, Metsch LR, Sorensen JL, Shoptaw S, Haynes L, Woody GE, Malow RM, Brown LS, Feaster DJ, Booth RE, Mandler RN, Masson C, Holmes BW, Colfax G, Brooks AJ, Hien DA, Schackman BR, Korthuis PT, Miele GM

Organizational issues in the implementation of a hospital-based syringe exchange program.

Substance use & misuse

Masson CL, Sorensen JL, Grossman N, Sporer KA, Des Jarlais DC, Perlman DC

Residential treatment modifications: adjunctive services to accommodate clients on methadone.

The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse

Chen T, Masson CL, Sorensen JL, Greenberg B

Methadone patients in the therapeutic community: a test of equivalency.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Sorensen JL, Andrews S, Delucchi KL, Greenberg B, Guydish J, Masson CL, Shopshire M

Hospital- versus community-based syringe exchange: a randomized controlled trial.

AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education

Masson CL, Sorensen JL, Perlman DC, Shopshire MS, Delucchi KL, Chen T, Sporer K, Des Jarlais D, Hall SM

Linking opioid-dependent hospital patients to drug treatment: Health care use and costs 6 months after randomization.

Addiction (Abingdon, England)

Barnett PG, Masson CL, Sorensen JL, Wong W, Hall S

Psychometric evaluation of the Quality of Life Interview, Brief Version, in injection drug users.

Psychology of addictive behaviors : journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors

Wasserman DA, Sorensen JL, Delucchi KL, Masson CL, Hall SM

Randomized trial of drug abuse treatment-linkage strategies.

Journal of consulting and clinical psychology

Sorensen JL, Masson CL, Delucchi K, Sporer K, Barnett PG, Mitsuishi F, Lin C, Song Y, Chen T, Hall SM

Knowledge of hepatitis among active drug injectors at a syringe exchange program.

Journal of substance abuse treatment

Carey J, Perlman DC, Friedmann P, Kaplan WM, Nugent A, Deutscher M, Masson CL, Des Jarlais DC

Spinal cord infarction: clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings and short term outcome.

Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry

Masson C, Pruvo JP, Meder JF, Cordonnier C, Touzé E, De La Sayette V, Giroud M, Mas JL, Leys D, Study Group on Spinal Cord Infarction of the French Neurovascular Society

Cost and cost-effectiveness of standard methadone maintenance treatment compared to enriched 180-day methadone detoxification.

Addiction (Abingdon, England)

Masson CL, Barnett PG, Sees KL, Delucchi KL, Rosen A, Wong W, Hall SM

HIV/hepatitis prevention in drug abuse treatment programs: guidance from research.

Science & practice perspectives

Sorensen JL, Masson CL, Perlman DC

Medical service use and financial charges among opioid users at a public hospital.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Masson CL, Sorensen JL, Batki SL, Okin R, Delucchi KL, Perlman DC

Mood disturbance fails to resolve across 31 days of cigarette abstinence in women.

Journal of consulting and clinical psychology

Gilbert DG, McClernon FJ, Rabinovich NE, Plath LC, Masson CL, Anderson AE, Sly KF

Violent traumatic events and drug abuse severity.

Journal of substance abuse treatment

Clark HW, Masson CL, Delucchi KL, Hall SM, Sees KL

Preventing opportunistic infections in HIV-infected injection drug users.


Perlman DC, Des Jarlais DC, Salomon N, Masson CL