Cathi Dennehy, PharmD
Dr. Dennehy is a Clinical Professor in the School of Pharmacy. She served as the residency program director to the first year Post Graduate Year 1 (PGY1) Residency Training Program for 16 years, from 2001-2017 and continues to enjoy mentoring students and residents in attaining their career goals. She is internationally known for her expertise in herbs and dietary supplements based on her publications, clinical research, affiliations, speaking engagements and health education. In the School of Pharmacy, she serves as theme director for gastrointestinal therapeutics. She is co-chair of the Interprofessional Core Classroom committee and school lead in IPE for the School of Pharmacy. Dr. Dennehy provides regular direct patient care in both the Anticoagualtion and the Transitions of Care clinics, where she also precepts students and residents.