Charlene Harrington, RN, PhD, FAAN

Professor Emeritus
Social Behavioral Sciences
+1 415 476-3047

Proposed Minimum Nurse Staffing Levels in Nursing Homes.

Policy, politics & nursing practice

Halifax E, Harrington C

RN Staffing Shortages in Nursing Homes: Nursing Is Part of the Solution.

Research in gerontological nursing

Kolanowski A, Bowers B, Mueller C, Harrington C

United States' Nursing Home Finances: Spending, Profitability, and Capital Structure.

International journal of social determinants of health and health services

Harrington C, Mollot R, Braun RT, Williams D

RN Staffing Shortages in Nursing Homes: Nursing Is Part of the Solution.

Journal of gerontological nursing

Kolanowski A, Bowers B, Mueller C, Harrington C

Advocating for the Vulnerable: The Clinical Nurse Specialist and Nursing Home Reform.

Clinical nurse specialist CNS

Matays J, Scruth E, Kawar LN, Cluff SC, Fogli A, Salas M, Harrington C

Examining California nursing home profitability and related factors before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Harrington CA, Hailer L, Mollot RJ, Mukamel DB

Nursing home financial transparency and accountability are needed to assure minimum staffing levels.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Halifax E, Harrington C

Financial and Quality Metrics of A Large, Publicly Traded U.S. Nursing Home Chain in the Age of Covid-19.

International journal of health services : planning, administration, evaluation

Kingsley DE, Harrington C

Staffing Levels and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths in Korean Nursing Homes.

Policy, politics & nursing practice

Lee J, Shin JH, Lee KH, Harrington CA, Jung SO

COVID-19 had little financial impact on publicly traded nursing home companies.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Kingsley DE, Harrington C

Expert nurse response to workforce recommendations made by the coronavirus commission for safety and quality in nursing homes.

Nursing outlook

Bakerjian D, Boltz M, Bowers B, Gray-Miceli D, Harrington C, Kolanowski A, Mueller CA

A Call to the CMS: Mandate Adequate Professional Nurse Staffing in Nursing Homes.

The American journal of nursing

Kolanowski A, Cortes TA, Mueller C, Bowers B, Boltz M, Bakerjian D, Harrington C, Popejoy L, Vogelsmeier A, Wallhagen M, Fick D, Batchelor M, Harris M, Palan-Lopez R, Dellefield M, Mayo A, Woods DL, Horgas A, Cacchione PZ, Carter D, Tabloski P, Gerdner L

Untitled Publication

CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne

McGregor MJ, Harrington C

COVID-19 and long-term care facilities: Does ownership matter?

CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne

McGregor MJ, Harrington C

Nurse Staffing and Coronavirus Infections in California Nursing Homes.

Policy, politics & nursing practice

Harrington C, Ross L, Chapman S, Halifax E, Spurlock B, Bakerjian D

Appropriate Nurse Staffing Levels for U.S. Nursing Homes.

Health services insights

Harrington C, Dellefield ME, Halifax E, Fleming ML, Bakerjian D

U.S. Nursing Home Violations of International and Domestic Human Rights Standards.

International journal of health services : planning, administration, evaluation

Harrington C, Mollot R, Edelman TS, Wells J, Valanejad D

An International Mapping of Medical Care in Nursing Homes.

Health services insights

Ågotnes G, McGregor MJ, Lexchin J, Doupe MB, Müller B, Harrington C

Beneficiaries Respond To California's Program To Integrate Medicare, Medicaid, And Long-Term Services.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Graham CL, Liu PJ, Hollister BA, Kaye HS, Harrington C

Racial and Ethnic Differences in the Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms Among US Nursing Home Residents.

Journal of aging & social policy

Li Y, Cai X, Harrington C, Hasselberg M, Conwell Y, Cen X, Temkin-Greener H

Assessing the Quality of Nursing Homes in Managed Care Organizations: Integrating LTSS for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries.

Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing

Graham C, Ross L, Bueno EB, Harrington C

Failure to Meet Nurse Staffing Standards: A Litigation Case Study of a Large US Nursing Home Chain.

Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing

Harrington C, Edelman TS

Predictors of Nursing Facility Entry by Medicaid-Only Older Adults and Persons With Disabilities in California.

Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing

Ko M, Newcomer RJ, Harrington C, Hulett D, Kang T, Bindman AB

Marketization in Long-Term Care: A Cross-Country Comparison of Large For-Profit Nursing Home Chains.

Health services insights

Harrington C, Jacobsen FF, Panos J, Pollock A, Sutaria S, Szebehely M

What Happens to a Nursing Home Chain When Private Equity Takes Over? A Longitudinal Case Study.

Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing

Bos A, Harrington C

Health Care Use Before and After Entering Long-Term Services and Supports.

Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society

Newcomer R, Harrington C, Hulett D, Kang T, Ko M, Bindman A

The Need for Higher Minimum Staffing Standards in U.S. Nursing Homes.

Health services insights

Harrington C, Schnelle JF, McGregor M, Simmons SF

[Trade-off between quality, price, and profit orientation in Germany's nursing homes].

Zeitschrift fur Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualitat im Gesundheitswesen

Geraedts M, Harrington C, Schumacher D, Kraska R

Nurse Staffing Hours At Nursing Homes With High Concentrations Of Minority Residents, 2001-11.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Li Y, Harrington C, Mukamel DB, Cen X, Cai X, Temkin-Greener H

Trade-off Between Quality, Price, and Profit Orientation in Germany's Nursing Homes.

Ageing international

Geraedts M, Harrington C, Schumacher D, Kraska R

Provider Perspectives on the Influence of Family on Nursing Home Resident Transfers to the Emergency Department: Crises at the End of Life.

Current gerontology and geriatrics research

Stephens C, Halifax E, Bui N, Lee SJ, Harrington C, Shim J, Ritchie C

Hidden Owners, Hidden Profits, and Poor Nursing Home Care: A Case Study.

International journal of health services : planning, administration, evaluation

Harrington C, Ross L, Kang T

Deficiencies In Care At Nursing Homes And Racial/Ethnic Disparities Across Homes Fell, 2006-11.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Li Y, Harrington C, Temkin-Greener H, You K, Cai X, Cen X, Mukamel DB

A literature review of clinical outcomes associated with antipsychotic medication use in North American nursing home residents.

Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Chiu Y, Bero L, Hessol NA, Lexchin J, Harrington C

Long-term services and supports in the community: toward a research agenda.

Disability and health journal

Kaye HS, Harrington C

Comparing the nurse staffing in Korean and U.S. nursing homes.

Nursing outlook

Lee HY, Shin JH, Harrington C

The effects of cognitive impairment on nursing home residents' emergency department visits and hospitalizations.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Stephens CE, Newcomer R, Blegen M, Miller B, Harrington C

The effects of regulation and litigation on a large for-profit nursing home chain.

Journal of health politics, policy and law

Harrington C, Stockton J, Hooper S

The policy implications of the cost structure of home health agencies.

Medicare & medicaid research review

Mukamel DB, Fortinsky RH, White A, Harrington C, White LM, Ngo-Metzger Q

State Olmstead litigation and the Affordable Care Act.

Journal of social work in disability & rehabilitation

Ng T, Wong A, Harrington C

The effects of RN staffing hours on nursing home quality: a two-stage model.

International journal of nursing studies

Lee HY, Blegen MA, Harrington C

Satisfaction with Massachusetts nursing home care was generally high during 2005-09, with some variability across facilities.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Li Y, Cai X, Ye Z, Glance LG, Harrington C, Mukamel DB

What factors contribute to successful appeals of nursing homes' deficiencies in the informal dispute resolution process?

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association

Mukamel DB, Li Y, Weimer DL, Spector WD, Bailey L, Harrington C

The effect of state regulatory stringency on nursing home quality.

Health services research

Mukamel DB, Weimer DL, Harrington C, Spector WD, Ladd H, Li Y

Unintended consequences of steps to cut readmissions and reform payment may threaten care of vulnerable older adults.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Naylor MD, Kurtzman ET, Grabowski DC, Harrington C, McClellan M, Reinhard SC

Nursing homes appeals of deficiencies: the informal dispute resolution process.

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association

Mukamel DB, Weimer DL, Li Y, Bailey L, Spector WD, Harrington C

Nursing home staffing standards and staffing levels in six countries.

Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing

Harrington C, Choiniere J, Goldmann M, Jacobsen FF, Lloyd L, McGregor M, Stamatopoulos V, Szebehely M

Observing how RNs use clinical time in a nursing home: a pilot study.

Geriatric nursing (New York, N.Y.)

Dellefield ME, Harrington C, Kelly A

Change and inertia in the New York state Medicaid Personal Care Services program: an institutional case study.

Journal of aging & social policy

Adelman T, Kitchener M, Ng T, Harrington C

High rate of unemployment after liver transplantation: analysis of the United Network for Organ Sharing database.

Liver transplantation : official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society

Huda A, Newcomer R, Harrington C, Blegen MG, Keeffe EB

Medicaid home- and community-based services: impact of the affordable care act.

Journal of aging & social policy

Harrington C, Ng T, Laplante M, Kaye HS

Emergency department use by nursing home residents: effect of severity of cognitive impairment.

The Gerontologist

Stephens CE, Newcomer R, Blegen M, Miller B, Harrington C

Do Medicaid home and community based service waivers save money?

Home health care services quarterly

Harrington C, Ng T, Kitchener M

Staffing changes before and after mandated nurse-to-patient ratios in California's hospitals.

Policy, politics & nursing practice

Serratt T, Harrington C, Spetz J, Blegen M

Does state regulation of quality impose costs on nursing homes?

Medical care

Mukamel DB, Li Y, Harrington C, Spector WD, Weimer DL, Bailey L

Ownership, financing, and management strategies of the ten largest for-profit nursing home chains in the United States.

International journal of health services : planning, administration, evaluation

Harrington C, Hauser C, Olney B, Rosenau PV

State regulatory enforcement and nursing home termination from the medicare and medicaid programs.

Health services research

Li Y, Harrington C, Spector WD, Mukamel DB

The effects of an inpatient palliative care team on discharge disposition.

Journal of palliative medicine

Brody AA, Ciemins E, Newman J, Harrington C

Long-term care: who gets it, who provides it, who pays, and how much?

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Kaye HS, Harrington C, LaPlante MP

Medicare and medicaid in long-term care.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Ng T, Harrington C, Kitchener M

Medicaid nursing facility rates, capacity, and utilization: a structural analysis.

Social work in public health

Swan JH, Kitchener M, Harrington C

Factors associated with living in developmental centers in California.

Intellectual and developmental disabilities

Harrington C, Kang T, Chang J

A panel data analysis of the relationships of nursing home staffing levels and standards to regulatory deficiencies.

The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences

Kim H, Kovner C, Harrington C, Greene W, Mezey M

Do noninstitutional long-term care services reduce Medicaid spending?

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Kaye HS, LaPlante MP, Harrington C

Focus group study of ethnically diverse low-income users of paid personal assistance services.

Home health care services quarterly

Mullan JT, Grossman BR, Hernandez M, Wong A, Eversley R, Harrington C

Variation in the use of federal and state civil money penalties for nursing homes.

The Gerontologist

Harrington C, Tsoukalas T, Rudder C, Mollot RJ, Carrillo H

Nurses working outside of nursing: societal trend or workplace crisis?

Policy, politics & nursing practice

Black L, Spetz J, Harrington C

Assistive technology in medicaid home- and community-based waiver programs.

The Gerontologist

Kitchener M, Ng T, Lee HY, Harrington C

Medicaid 1915(c) waiver use and expenditures for persons living with HIV/AIDS.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Miller NA, Elder KT, Kitchener M

Shareholder value and the performance of a large nursing home chain.

Health services research

Kitchener M, O'Meara J, Brody A, Lee HY, Harrington C

Nurse staffing levels and Medicaid reimbursement rates in nursing facilities.

Health services research

Harrington C, Swan JH, Carrillo H

California nursing facility quality and union environments.

Journal of aging and health

Swan JH, Harrington C

Developing personal care programs: national trends and interstate variation, 1992-2002.

Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing

Kitchener M, Ng T, Carrillo H, Miller N, Harrington C

Medicaid State Plan personal care services: trends in programs and policies.

Journal of aging & social policy

Kitchener M, Ng T, Harrington C

Paid personal assistance services:an exploratory study of working-age consumers' perspectives.

Journal of aging & social policy

Grossman BR, Kitchener M, Mullan JT, Harrington C

State Medicaid home care policies: inside the black box.

Home health care services quarterly

Kitchener M, Ng T, Harrington C

The collection and use of funds from civil money penalties and fines from nursing homes.

The Gerontologist

Tsoukalas T, Rudder C, Mollot RJ, Shineman M, Lee HY, Harrington C

Influencing health policy for older adults: initiatives by the John A. Hartford Centers of Geriatric Nursing Excellence.

Nursing outlook

Harrington C, Beverly CJ, Maas ML, Buckwalter KC, Bennett JA, Young HM, Sochalski J, Naylor M

The personal assistance workforce: trends in supply and demand.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Kaye HS, Chapman S, Newcomer RJ, Harrington C

Reflections on research and policy. The Doris Schwartz Award Lecture.

Journal of gerontological nursing

Harrington C

Assessing California's nursing home staffing standards.

Policy, politics & nursing practice

Harrington C, O'Meara J

Institutional and community-based long-term care: a comparative estimate of public costs.

Journal of health & social policy

Kitchener M, Ng T, Miller N, Harrington C

Strengthening home and community-based care through Medicaid waivers.

Journal of aging & social policy

Miller NA, Rubin A, Elder KT, Kitchener M, Harrington C

Variation by disability in state predictors of Medicaid 1915c waiver use and expenditures.

The Gerontologist

Miller NA, Kitchener M, Elder KT, Kang Y, Rubin A, Harrington C

Addressing the dramatic decline in RN staffing in nursing homes.

The American journal of nursing

Harrington C

Advanced nursing training in health policy: designing and implementing a new program.

Policy, politics & nursing practice

Harrington C, Crider MC, Benner PE, Malone RE

Nurses Improving Care for Health System Elders (NICHE).

The American journal of nursing

Boltz M, Harrington C, Kluger M

Discharge planning, nursing home placement, and the Internet.

Nursing outlook

Collier EJ, Harrington C

Nurse staffing in nursing homes in the United States: Part II.

Journal of gerontological nursing

Harrington C

Nurse staffing in nursing homes in the United States.

Journal of gerontological nursing

Harrington C

Case study: development of and stakeholder responses to a nursing home consumer information system.

American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality

O'Meara J, Kitchener M, Collier E, Lyons M, de Billwiller-Kiss A, Simon LP, Harrington C

Chain reaction: an exploratory study of nursing home bankruptcy in California.

Journal of aging & social policy

Kitchener M, O'neill C, Harrington C

Medicaid home and community-based services: national program trends.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Kitchener M, Ng T, Miller N, Harrington C

Medicaid waiver programs for traumatic brain and spinal cord injury.

Journal of health & social policy

Kitchener M, Ng T, Grossman B, Harrington C

NPs in nursing homes: an issue of quality.

The American journal of nursing

Mezey M, Harrington C, Kluger M

Nursing expertise in caring for older adults.

The American journal of nursing

Mezey M, Harrington C, Kluger M

Explaining the diffusion of Medicaid home care waiver programs using VPRS decision rules.

Health care management science

Kitchener M, Beynon M, Harrington C

Relationship of nursing home staffing to quality of care.

Health services research

Schnelle JF, Simmons SF, Harrington C, Cadogan M, Garcia E, M Bates-Jensen B

Unmet need for personal assistance services: estimating the shortfall in hours of help and adverse consequences.

The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences

LaPlante MP, Kaye HS, Kang T, Harrington C

Nursing Facility and Home and Community Based Service Need Criteria in the United States.

Home health care services quarterly

Tonner MC, Harrington C

State nursing home enforcement systems.

Journal of health politics, policy and law

Harrington C, Mullan JT, Carrillo H

Smoke without fire: nursing facility closures in California, 1997-2001.

Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing

Kitchener M, Bostrom A, Harrington C

The U.S. long-term care field: a dialectic analysis of institution dynamics.

Journal of health and social behavior

Kitchener A, Harrington C

Trends in state certificate of need and moratoria programs for long term care providers.

Journal of health & social policy

Harrington C, Anzaldo S, Burdin A, Kitchener M, Miller N

Nursing indicators of quality in nursing homes. A Web-based approach.

Journal of gerontological nursing

Harrington C, O'Meara J, Collier E, Schnelle JF

Nursing home staffing, turnover, and case mix.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Harrington C, Swan JH

Hospital care for elderly.

The American journal of nursing

Rosenfeld P, Harrington C

Designing a report card for nursing facilities: what information is needed and why.

The Gerontologist

Harrington C, O'Meara J, Kitchener M, Simon LP, Schnelle JF

Federal and state nursing facility websites: just what the consumer needs?

American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality

Harrington C, Collier E, O'Meara J, Kitchener M, Simon LP, Schnelle JF

Medicaid community-based programs: a longitudinal analysis of state variation in expenditures and utilization.

Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing

Kitchener M, Carrillo H, Harrington C

Nursing care in assisted living facilities.

The American journal of nursing

Kovner CT, Harrington C

Nursing facility and home and community based service need criteria in the United States.

Home health care services quarterly

Tonner MC, Harrington C

CMS study: correlation between staffing and quality.

The American journal of nursing

Kovner CT, Harrington C

Who cares for older adults? Workforce implications of an aging society.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Kovner CT, Mezey M, Harrington C

The changing picture of hospital nurses.

The American journal of nursing

Kovner CT, Harrington C

Access to community-based long-term care: Medicaid's role.

Journal of aging and health

Miller NA, Harrington C, Goldstein E

Does investor-ownership of nursing homes compromise the quality of care?

International journal of health services : planning, administration, evaluation

Harrington C, Woolhandler S, Mullan J, Carrillo H, Himmelstein DU

Germany's long-term care insurance model: lessons for the United States.

Journal of public health policy

Harrington CA, Geraedts M, Heller GV