Howard Pinderhughes, PhD

Prof & Director of Sociology
Social Behavioral Sciences
+1 415 502-4259

Do Age-Friendly Community Initiatives Form a Biopolitical Paradigm?.

Innovation in aging

Jarmin Yeh, Pat Fox, David Vlahov, Howard Pinderhughes

Negotiating the Gerontological Uncanny and Passing Tactics for Aging in Place.

Innovation in aging

Jarmin Yeh, Pat Fox, David Vlahov, Howard Pinderhughes

Acupressure and Therapeutic Touch in Childhood Cancer to Promote Subjective and Intersubjective Experiences of Well-being During Curative Treatment.

Global advances in health and medicine

Hu H, Shear D, Thakkar R, Thompson-Lastad A, Pinderhughes H, Hecht FM, Lown EA

Socially disempowered women as the key to addressing change in Malawi: how do they do it?

Health care for women international

Macintyre LM, Rankin S, Pinderhughes H, Waters CM, Schell E, Fiedler R

Adolescent fathers in the justice system: hoping for a boy and making him a man.

Qualitative health research

Shade K, Kools S, Pinderhughes H, Weiss SJ

Choosing fatherhood: how teens in the justice system embrace or reject a father identity.

Journal of community health nursing

Shade K, Kools S, Pinderhughes H, Weiss SJ

A conceptual model of incarcerated adolescent fatherhood: adolescent identity development and the concept of intersectionality.

Journal of child and adolescent psychiatric nursing : official publication of the Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nurses, Inc

Shade K, Kools S, Weiss SJ, Pinderhughes H

Finding a common agenda for preventing child maltreatment, youth violence, and domestic violence.

Journal of interpersonal violence

Edleson JL, Daro D, Pinderhughes H

Finding common ground in the study of child maltreatment, youth violence, and adult domestic violence.

Journal of interpersonal violence

Daro D, Edleson JL, Pinderhughes H

Violence and gender: reports from an urban high school.

Violence and victims

Scherzer T, Pinderhughes HL