Jeanine Wiener-Kronish, MD

Professor Emeritus
+1 415 476-0322

Sexual Harassment in Academic Anesthesiology: A Survey of Prevalence, Sources, Impact, and Recommendations.

Anesthesia and analgesia

Hastie MJ, Mittel A, Raman V, Szokol J, Whittington R, Bustillo M, Siddiqui S, Straker T, Sakai T, Armstead V, Wiener-Kronish J, Jewitt C, Mashour GA

From Risk to Recovery: Looking Ahead to the Next 50 Years of Preoperative Cardiovascular Assessment.

Annals of internal medicine

Gibson LE, Wiener-Kronish JP, Fleisher LA

Gender and Pathways to Leadership in Academic Anesthesiology: A Qualitative Content Analysis of US Chairpersons' Curricula Vitae.

Anesthesia and analgesia

Lane-Fall MB, Hastie MJ, Kleid M, Yarabarla V, Miltiades AN, Wiener-Kronish JP, Pian-Smith MC

Championing the Mom: The Role of a Mother's Support Group in Academic Anesthesia Practice.

Anesthesia and analgesia

Berical KA, Vogel TS, Robinson JM, Ward AM, Wiener-Kronish J

Systems Anesthesiology: Integrating Insights From Diverse Disciplines to Improve Perioperative Care.

Anesthesia and analgesia

Ruscic KJ, Hanidziar D, Shaw KM, Wiener-Kronish J, Shelton KT

Preoperative Plasma Tau-PT217 and Tau-PT181 Are Associated With Postoperative Delirium.

Annals of surgery

Liang F, Baldyga K, Quan Q, Khatri A, Choi S, Wiener-Kronish J, Akeju O, Westover BM, Cody K, Shen Y, Marcantonio ER, Xie Z

Editorial: Monitoring patients in the ICU in 2022.

Current opinion in critical care

Wiener-Kronish JP

Wearables alone will not eliminate failure to rescue.

BJA open

Wiener-Kronish JP, Bonnici T

The role of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in COVID-19.

Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia

Dalia AA, Convissar D, Crowley J, Raz Y, Funamoto M, Wiener-Kronish J, Shelton K

Tau as a serum biomarker of delirium after major cardiac surgery: a single centre case-control study.

British journal of anaesthesia

McKay TB, Qu J, Liang F, Mueller A, Wiener-Kronish J, Xie Z, Akeju O

Roles for Anesthesiologists in the Future of Medicine in the United States.

Anesthesia and analgesia

Evers AS, Wiener-Kronish JP

On the Importance of Language in Reports Discussing Racial Inequities.

Anesthesia and analgesia

Armstead V, Bucklin B, Bustillo M, Hastie MJ, Lane-Fall M, Lee A, Leffert L, Mackensen GB, Minhaj M, Sakai T, Straker T, Thenuwara K, Whitlock E, Whittington R, Wiener-Kronish J, Wong C

Prevention of Complications in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.

Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia

Shelton KT, Crowley J, Wiener-Kronish J

Controversies in Perioperative Antimicrobial Prophylaxis.


Decker BK, Nagrebetsky A, Lipsett PA, Wiener-Kronish JP, O'Grady NP

A lung rescue team improves survival in obesity with acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Critical care (London, England)

Florio G, Ferrari M, Bittner EA, De Santis Santiago R, Pirrone M, Fumagalli J, Teggia Droghi M, Mietto C, Pinciroli R, Berg S, Bagchi A, Shelton K, Kuo A, Lai Y, Sonny A, Lai P, Hibbert K, Kwo J, Pino RM, Wiener-Kronish J, Amato MBP, Arora P, Kacmarek RM, Berra L

Remote Surveillance Technologies: Realizing the Aim of Right Patient, Right Data, Right Time.

Anesthesia and analgesia

Safavi KC, Driscoll W, Wiener-Kronish JP

Treatment with allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cells for moderate to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (START study): a randomised phase 2a safety trial.

The Lancet. Respiratory medicine

Matthay MA, Calfee CS, Zhuo H, Thompson BT, Wilson JG, Levitt JE, Rogers AJ, Gotts JE, Wiener-Kronish JP, Bajwa EK, Donahoe MP, McVerry BJ, Ortiz LA, Exline M, Christman JW, Abbott J, Delucchi KL, Caballero L, McMillan M, McKenna DH, Liu KD

Intubation With Video Laryngoscopy vs Direct Laryngoscopy.


Saddawi-Konefka D, Baker KH, Wiener-Kronish JP

Mesenchymal stem (stromal) cells for treatment of ARDS: a phase 1 clinical trial.

The Lancet. Respiratory medicine

Wilson JG, Liu KD, Zhuo H, Caballero L, McMillan M, Fang X, Cosgrove K, Vojnik R, Calfee CS, Lee JW, Rogers AJ, Levitt J, Wiener-Kronish J, Bajwa EK, Leavitt A, McKenna D, Thompson BT, Matthay MA

Association between Pseudomonas aeruginosa type III secretion, antibiotic resistance, and clinical outcome: a review.

Critical care (London, England)

Sawa T, Shimizu M, Moriyama K, Wiener-Kronish JP

Research at the Harvard Anesthesia Departments.


Forman SA, Miller KW, Talmor D, Hickey P, Strichartz G, Wiener-Kronish J

Design and implementation of the START (STem cells for ARDS Treatment) trial, a phase 1/2 trial of human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells for the treatment of moderate-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Annals of intensive care

Liu KD, Wilson JG, Zhuo H, Caballero L, McMillan ML, Fang X, Cosgrove K, Calfee CS, Lee JW, Kangelaris KN, Gotts JE, Rogers AJ, Levitt JE, Wiener-Kronish JP, Delucchi KL, Leavitt AD, McKenna DH, Thompson BT, Matthay MA

Blood transfusions and infected lungs--worse outcomes?*.

Critical care medicine

Wiener-Kronish J, Nozari A

In reply.


Fleisher LA, Evers AS, Wiener-Kronish J, Ulatowski JA

What are we looking for? The question of resident selection.


Fleisher LA, Evers AS, Wiener-Kronish J, Ulatowski JA

Continuing aspirin in the perioperative patient.

Annals of surgery

Connors JM, Wiener-Kronish JP

Treating bacterial virulence systems: we are not there yet.

Intensive care medicine

Huang YJ, Bittner EA, Frank D, Wiener-Kronish J

From microbe to microbiota: considering microbial community composition in infections and airway diseases.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

Huang YJ, Lynch SV, Wiener-Kronish JP

Strain-dependent induction of neutrophil histamine production and cell death by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Journal of leukocyte biology

Xu X, Zhang H, Song Y, Lynch SV, Lowell CA, Wiener-Kronish JP, Caughey GH

Therapies against virulence products of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Seminars in respiratory and critical care medicine

Wiener-Kronish JP, Pittet JF

Newer technology is not always better.

Critical care medicine

Albrecht M, Wiener-Kronish JP

Plasminogen activation inhibitor concentrations in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid distinguishes ventilator-associated pneumonia from colonization in mechanically ventilated pediatric patients.

Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies

Srinivasan R, Song Y, Wiener-Kronish J, Flori HR

Airway microbiota and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients with suboptimally controlled asthma.

The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology

Huang YJ, Nelson CE, Brodie EL, Desantis TZ, Baek MS, Liu J, Woyke T, Allgaier M, Bristow J, Wiener-Kronish JP, Sutherland ER, King TS, Icitovic N, Martin RJ, Calhoun WJ, Castro M, Denlinger LC, Dimango E, Kraft M, Peters SP, Wasserman SI, Wechsler ME, Boushey HA, Lynch SV

1H-NMR-based metabolic signatures of clinical outcomes in trauma patients--beyond lactate and base deficit.

The Journal of trauma

Cohen MJ, Serkova NJ, Wiener-Kronish J, Pittet JF, Niemann CU

Polymorphisms in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa type III secretion protein, PcrV - implications for anti-PcrV immunotherapy.

Microbial pathogenesis

Lynch SV, Flanagan JL, Sawa T, Fang A, Baek MS, Rubio-Mills A, Ajayi T, Yanagihara K, Hirakata Y, Kohno S, Misset B, Nguyen JC, Wiener-Kronish JP

A persistent and diverse airway microbiota present during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations.

Omics : a journal of integrative biology

Huang YJ, Kim E, Cox MJ, Brodie EL, Brown R, Wiener-Kronish JP, Lynch SV

Mechanisms of bacterial virulence in pulmonary infections.

Current opinion in critical care

Moskowitz SM, Wiener-Kronish JP

Protein C depletion early after trauma increases the risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia.

The Journal of trauma

Cohen MJ, Bir N, Rahn P, Dotson R, Brohi K, Chesebro BB, Mackersie R, Carles M, Wiener-Kronish J, Pittet JF

The United States critical illness and injury trials group: an introduction.

The Journal of trauma

Cobb JP, Cairns CB, Bulger E, Wong HR, Parsons PE, Angus DC, Gentile NT, Hoyt DB, Schwinn DA, Wiener-Kronish JP, Upperman JS

Training the next generation of research mentors: the University of California, San Francisco, Clinical & Translational Science Institute Mentor Development Program.

Clinical and translational science

Feldman MD, Huang L, Guglielmo BJ, Jordan R, Kahn J, Creasman JM, Wiener-Kronish JP, Lee KA, Tehrani A, Yaffe K, Brown JS

Matrix metalloproteases in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of patients with type III Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia.

The Journal of infection

El-Solh AA, Amsterdam D, Alhajhusain A, Akinnusi ME, Saliba RG, Lynch SV, Wiener-Kronish JP

4G/5G polymorphism of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 gene is associated with mortality in intensive care unit patients with severe pneumonia.


Sapru A, Hansen H, Ajayi T, Brown R, Garcia O, Zhuo H, Wiemels J, Matthay MA, Wiener-Kronish J

An engineered human antibody fab fragment specific for Pseudomonas aeruginosa PcrV antigen has potent antibacterial activity.

Infection and immunity

Baer M, Sawa T, Flynn P, Luehrsen K, Martinez D, Wiener-Kronish JP, Yarranton G, Bebbington C

2008 in review: advancing medicine in anesthesiology.


Eisenach JC, Borgeat A, Bosnjak ZJ, Brennan TJ, Kersten JR, Kochs E, Lerman J, Warner DS, Wiener-Kronish JP

Depletion of phagocytes in the reticuloendothelial system causes increased inflammation and mortality in rabbits with Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia.

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology

Kurahashi K, Sawa T, Ota M, Kajikawa O, Hong K, Martin TR, Wiener-Kronish JP

Novel strategies to combat bacterial virulence.

Current opinion in critical care

Lynch SV, Wiener-Kronish JP

Increased mortality of ventilated patients with endotracheal Pseudomonas aeruginosa without clinical signs of infection.

Critical care medicine

Zhuo H, Yang K, Lynch SV, Dotson RH, Glidden DV, Singh G, Webb WR, Elicker BM, Garcia O, Brown R, Sawa Y, Misset B, Wiener-Kronish JP

Ventilator-associated pneumonia: problems with diagnosis and therapy.

Best practice & research. Clinical anaesthesiology

Wiener-Kronish JP, Dorr HI

Role of small GTPases and alphavbeta5 integrin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced increase in lung endothelial permeability.

American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology

Ganter MT, Roux J, Su G, Lynch SV, Deutschman CS, Weiss YG, Christiaans SC, Myazawa B, Kipnis E, Wiener-Kronish JP, Howard M, Pittet JF

Proteomic analysis of undiluted lung epithelial lining fluid.


Kipnis E, Hansen K, Sawa T, Moriyama K, Zurawel A, Ishizaka A, Wiener-Kronish J

Persistent infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in ventilator-associated pneumonia.

American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine

El Solh AA, Akinnusi ME, Wiener-Kronish JP, Lynch SV, Pineda LA, Szarpa K

Role of integrin alphav beta6 in acute lung injury induced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Infection and immunity

Song Y, Pittet JF, Huang X, He H, Lynch SV, Violette SM, Weinreb PH, Horan GS, Carmago A, Sawa Y, Bernstein XL, Wiener-Kronish JP

Transient hyperglycemia affects the extent of ischemia-reperfusion-induced renal injury in rats.


Hirose R, Xu F, Dang K, Liu T, Behrends M, Brakeman PR, Wiener-Kronish J, Niemann CU

The epithelium in acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Current opinion in critical care

Gropper MA, Wiener-Kronish J

2007 in review: a dozen steps forward in Anesthesiology.


Eisenach JC, Borgeat A, Bosnjak ZJ, Brennan TJ, Kersten JR, Kochs EF, Wiener-Kronish JP

Treating lung infections with anticoagulation: mechanisms matter.

Critical care medicine

Pittet JF, Song Y, Wiener-Kronish JP

Alveolar hemostasis in patients with species-specific bacterial-mediated ventilator-associated pneumonia.

Critical care medicine

Song Y, Wiener-Kronish JP, Flanagan J, Lynch SV

Increased plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 concentrations in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids are associated with increased mortality in a cohort of patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


Song Y, Lynch SV, Flanagan J, Zhuo H, Tom W, Dotson RH, Baek MS, Rubio-Mills A, Singh G, Kipnis E, Glidden D, Brown R, Garcia O, Wiener-Kronish JP

Cell signaling underlying the pathophysiology of pneumonia.

American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology

Prince AS, Mizgerd JP, Wiener-Kronish J, Bhattacharya J

Surfactant proteins A and D enhance pulmonary clearance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology

Giannoni E, Sawa T, Allen L, Wiener-Kronish J, Hawgood S

Passive anti-PcrV treatment protects burned mice against Pseudomonas aeruginosa challenge.

Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries

Neely AN, Holder IA, Wiener-Kronish JP, Sawa T

Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes acute lung injury via the catalytic activity of the patatin-like phospholipase domain of ExoU.

Critical care medicine

Pankhaniya RR, Tamura M, Allmond LR, Moriyama K, Ajayi T, Wiener-Kronish JP, Sawa T

V-antigen genotype and phenotype analyses of clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Journal of clinical microbiology

Allmond LR, Ajayi T, Moriyama K, Wiener-Kronish JP, Sawa T

Lysophospholipase A activity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa type III secretory toxin ExoU.

Biochemical and biophysical research communications

Tamura M, Ajayi T, Allmond LR, Moriyama K, Wiener-Kronish JP, Sawa T

TLR4 signaling is essential for survival in acute lung injury induced by virulent Pseudomonas aeruginosa secreting type III secretory toxins.

Respiratory research

Faure K, Sawa T, Ajayi T, Fujimoto J, Moriyama K, Shime N, Wiener-Kronish JP

Perioperative anesthesia issues in the elderly.

Critical care clinics

Liu LL, Wiener-Kronish JP

Effects of monoclonal anti-PcrV antibody on Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced acute lung injury in a rat model.

Journal of immune based therapies and vaccines

Faure K, Fujimoto J, Shimabukuro DW, Ajayi T, Shime N, Moriyama K, Spack EG, Wiener-Kronish JP, Sawa T

CXC chemokines and their receptors are expressed in type II cells and upregulated following lung injury.

American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology

Vanderbilt JN, Mager EM, Allen L, Sawa T, Wiener-Kronish J, Gonzalez R, Dobbs LG

The mechanism of action of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa-encoded type III cytotoxin, ExoU.

The EMBO journal

Sato H, Frank DW, Hillard CJ, Feix JB, Pankhaniya RR, Moriyama K, Finck-Barbançon V, Buchaklian A, Lei M, Long RM, Wiener-Kronish J, Sawa T

O-antigen serotypes and type III secretory toxins in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Journal of clinical microbiology

Faure K, Shimabukuro D, Ajayi T, Allmond LR, Sawa T, Wiener-Kronish JP

Development of a high throughput Pseudomonas aeruginosa epithelial cell adhesion assay.

Journal of microbiological methods

Swanson B, Savel R, Szoka F, Sawa T, Wiener-Kronish J

Predicting mortality in acute respiratory distress syndrome: circulatory system knows best.

Critical care medicine

Misset B, Gropper MA, Wiener-Kronish JP

The alveolar epithelium: suspect or innocent bystander?


Gropper MA, Wiener-Kronish J

Generation and characterization of a protective monoclonal antibody to Pseudomonas aeruginosa PcrV.

The Journal of infectious diseases

Frank DW, Vallis A, Wiener-Kronish JP, Roy-Burman A, Spack EG, Mullaney BP, Megdoud M, Marks JD, Fritz R, Sawa T

Aerosolization of lipoplexes using AERx Pulmonary Delivery System.

AAPS pharmSci

Deshpande D, Blanchard J, Srinivasan S, Fairbanks D, Fujimoto J, Sawa T, Wiener-Kronish J, Schreier H, Gonda I

Effects of Cl2MDP-encapsulating liposomes in a murine model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced sepsis.

Journal of liposome research

Fujimoto J, Wiener-Kronish JP, Hashimoto S, Sawa T