John Peabody, MD, PhD, DTM&H

Adjunct Professor
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
+1 415 597-8202

The Impact of Fibular Fixation Method on Pilon Fracture Healing.

Journal of clinical medicine

Perugini A, Hyland S, Iandoli J, Hill Z, Peabody J, DeGenova D, Faherty M, Taylor B

Impact of medication nonadherence and drug-drug interaction testing on the management of primary care patients with polypharmacy: a randomized controlled trial.

BMC medicine

David RE, Ferrara KG, Schrecker J, Paculdo D, Johnson S, Bentley-Lewis R, Heltsley R, Peabody JW

Clinical utility of a novel test for assessing cardiovascular disease risk in type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled trial.

Diabetology & metabolic syndrome

Peabody JW, Paculdo D, de Belen E, Ganesan D, Cooney I, Trujillo N

Gaps in the Care of Pulmonary Hypertension: A Cross-Sectional Patient Simulation Study Among Practicing Cardiologists and Pulmonologists.

Journal of the American Heart Association

de Belen E, McConnell JW, Elwing JM, Paculdo D, Cabaluna I, Linder J, Peabody JW

Clinical variation in surveillance and management of Barrett's esophagus: A cross-sectional study of gastroenterologists and gastrointestinal surgeons.


Cruz JD, Paculdo D, Ganesan D, Baker M, Critchley-Thorne RJ, Shaheen NJ, Wani S, Peabody JW

Clinical Utility of a Biomarker to Detect Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury during Percutaneous Cardiovascular Procedures.

Cardiorenal medicine

Peabody J, Paculdo D, Valdenor C, McCullough PA, Noiri E, Sugaya T, Dahlen JR

Measuring and Improving Evidence-Based Patient Care Using a Web-Based Gamified Approach in Primary Care (QualityIQ): Randomized Controlled Trial.

Journal of medical Internet research

Burgon T, Casebeer L, Aasen H, Valdenor C, Tamondong-Lachica D, de Belen E, Paculdo D, Peabody J

Initiative to Improve Evidence-Based Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Hospitalist Care Using a Novel On-Line Gamification Patient Simulation Tool: A Prospective Study.

Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland)

Strong J, Weems L, Burgon T, Branch J, Martin J, Paculdo D, Tamondong-Lachica D, Cruz J, Peabody J

Randomized Trial to Improve Primary Care Patient Management and Patient Outcomes Using a Drug-Drug Interaction Test: Confirmation of the DECART Simulated Patient Clinical Utility Trial Results.

Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)

Peabody J, Schrecker J, Heltsley R, Paculdo D, de Belen E, Tamondong-Lachica D, Acelajado MC, Ouenes O, Kennedy T, Jeter E

Measuring the Variation in the Prevention and Treatment of CI-AKI Among Interventional Cardiologists.

Current problems in cardiology

Valdenor C, McCullough PA, Paculdo D, Acelajado MC, Dahlen JR, Noiri E, Sugaya T, Peabody J

A nationwide program to improve clinical care quality in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Journal of global health

Peabody JW, Oskombaeva K, Shimarova M, Adylbaeva V, Dzhorupbekova K, Sverdlova I, Shukurova V, Abdubalieva Z, Gagloeva N, Kudayarova A, Mukanbetovna AA, Dzhumagazievna NS, Vibornykh V, Zhorobekovna MS, de Belen E, Paculdo D, Tamondong-Lachica D, Novinson D, Valdenor C, Fritsche G

Randomized Trial on the Clinical Utility of a Novel Biomarker Panel to Identify Treatable Determinants of Chronic Pain.

Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)

Peabody J, Paculdo D, Tamondong-Lachica D, Cabaluna IT, Gunn J

Randomized clinical trial of a novel donor-derived cfDNA test to detect rejection in CPV-simulated renal transplant patients.

International urology and nephrology

Peabody J, Billings P, Valdenor C, Demko Z, Moshkevich S, Tran M, Paculdo D

Meeting the challenge of the 2019 novel coronavirus disease in patients with cancer.


Spiess PE, Greene J, Keenan RJ, Paculdo D, Letson GD, Peabody JW

Finding the clinical utility of 1,5-anhydroglucitol among primary care practitioners.

Journal of clinical & translational endocrinology

Peabody J, Paculdo D, Acelajado MC, Burgon T, Dahlen JR

Reducing Unwarranted Oncology Care Variation Across a Clinically Integrated Network: A Collaborative Physician Engagement Strategy.

Journal of oncology practice

Richards JM, Burgon TB, Tamondong-Lachica D, Bitran JD, Liangco WL, Paculdo DR, Peabody JW

Clinical Utility of a Blood-based Protein Assay on Diagnostic Colonoscopy Referrals for Elevated-risk Colorectal Cancer Patients in Primary Care.

American journal of clinical oncology

Peabody J, Rahim A, Wilcox B, McGehee C, Estigarribia E, Paculdo D, Arzadon A, Fugaro S, Tran M, Spitzer G

Reducing Unneeded Clinical Variation in Sepsis and Heart Failure Care to Improve Outcomes and Reduce Cost: A Collaborative Engagement with Hospitalists in a MultiState System.

Journal of hospital medicine

Yurso M, Box B, Burgon T, Hauck L, Tagg K, Clem K, Paculdo D, Acelajado MC, Tamondong-Lachica D, Peabody JW

Variation in Diabetes Management: A National Assessment of Primary Care Providers.

Journal of diabetes science and technology

Peabody JW, de Belen E, Dahlen JR, Acelajado MC, Tran MT, Paculdo DR

Establishing Clinical Utility for Diagnostic Tests Using a Randomized Controlled, Virtual Patient Trial Design.

Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland)

Peabody J, Tran M, Paculdo D, Valdenor C, Burgon T, Jeter E

A Direct Comparison of the Clinical Practice Patterns of Advanced Practice Providers and Doctors.

The American journal of medicine

Johnson D, Ouenes O, Letson D, de Belen E, Kubal T, Czarnecki C, Weems L, Box B, Paculdo D, Peabody J

Variation in Assessing Renal Allograft Rejection: A National Assessment of Nephrology Practice.

International journal of nephrology

Peabody J, Billings P, Valdenor C, Demko Z, Moshkevich S, Paculdo D, Tran M

Standardising practice in cardiology: reducing clinical variation and cost at Ochsner Health System.

Open heart

Oravetz P, White CJ, Carmouche D, Swan N, Donaldson J, Ruhl R, Valdenor C, Paculdo D, Tran M, Peabody J

Standardising hospitalist practice in sepsis and COPD care.

BMJ quality & safety

Bergmann S, Tran M, Robison K, Fanning C, Sedani S, Ready J, Conklin K, Tamondong-Lachica D, Paculdo D, Peabody J

A Better Pathway? Building Consensus and Engaging Providers with Feedback to Improve and Standardize Cancer Care.

Clinical breast cancer

Colonna S, Sweetenham J, Burgon TB, Buys SS, Lynch R, Au T, Johnson E, Kubal T, Paculdo D, Acelajado MC, Peabody JW

A Quality Collaboration in Heart Failure and Pneumonia Inpatient Care at Novant Health: Standardizing Hospitalist Practices to Improve Patient Care and System Performance.

Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety

Weems L, Strong J, Plummer D, Martin J, Zweng TN, Lindsay J, Paculdo D, Tran M, Peabody J

Clinical Utility of Definitive Drug?Drug Interaction Testing in Primary Care.

Journal of clinical medicine

Peabody J, Tran M, Paculdo D, Schrecker J, Valdenor C, Jeter E

Engaging Primary Care Providers to Reduce Unwanted Clinical Variation and Support ACO Cost and Quality Goals: A Unique Provider-Payer Collaboration.

Population health management

Burgon TB, Cox-Chapman J, Czarnecki C, Kropp R, Guerriere R, Paculdo D, Peabody JW

Drug-Drug Interaction Assessment and Identification in the Primary Care Setting.

Journal of clinical medicine research

Peabody J, Acelajado MC, Robert T, Hild C, Schrecker J, Paculdo D, Tran M, Jeter E

Primary care variability in patients at higher risk for colorectal cancer: evaluation of screening and preventive care practices.

Current medical research and opinion

Peabody J, Saldivar JS, Swagel E, Fugaro S, Paculdo D, Tran M

Universal health coverage and intersectoral action for health: key messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd edition.

Lancet (London, England)

Jamison DT, Alwan A, Mock CN, Nugent R, Watkins D, Adeyi O, Anand S, Atun R, Bertozzi S, Bhutta Z, Binagwaho A, Black R, Blecher M, Bloom BR, Brouwer E, Bundy DAP, Chisholm D, Cieza A, Cullen M, Danforth K, de Silva N, Debas HT, Donkor P, Dua T, Fleming KA, Gallivan M, Garcia PJ, Gawande A, Gaziano T, Gelband H, Glass R, Glassman A, Gray G, Habte D, Holmes KK, Horton S, Hutton G, Jha P, Knaul FM, Kobusingye O, Krakauer EL, Kruk ME, Lachmann P, Laxminarayan R, Levin C, Looi LM, Madhav N, Mahmoud A, Mbanya JC, Measham A, Medina-Mora ME, Medlin C, Mills A, Mills JA, Montoya J, Norheim O, Olson Z, Omokhodion F, Oppenheim B, Ord T, Patel V, Patton GC, Peabody J, Prabhakaran D, Qi J, Reynolds T, Ruacan S, Sankaranarayanan R, Sepúlveda J, Skolnik R, Smith KR, Temmerman M, Tollman S, Verguet S, Walker DG, Walker N, Wu Y, Zhao K

Large-Scale Evaluation of Quality of Care in 6 Countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia Using Clinical Performance and Value Vignettes.

Global health, science and practice

Peabody JW, DeMaria L, Smith O, Hoth A, Dragoti E, Luck J

Clinical utility of a blood-based protein assay to increase screening of elevated-risk patients for colorectal cancer in the primary care setting.

Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology

Peabody J, Paculdo D, Swagel E, Fugaro S, Tran M

Comparative effectiveness of two disparate policies on child health: experimental evidence from the Philippines.

Health policy and planning

Peabody JW, Quimbo S, Florentino J, Shimkhada R, Javier X, Paculdo D, Jamison D, Solon O

Using Text Reminder to Improve Childhood Immunization Adherence in the Philippines.

Computers, informatics, nursing : CIN

Garcia-Dia MJ, Fitzpatrick JJ, Madigan EA, Peabody JW

Clinical Case Vignettes: A Promising Tool to Assess Competence in the Management of Agitation.

Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry

Sowden GL, Vestal HS, Stoklosa JB, Valcourt SC, Peabody JW, Keary CJ, Nejad SH, Caminis A, Huffman JC

Improving Clinical Practice Using a Novel Engagement Approach: Measurement, Benchmarking and Feedback, A Longitudinal Study.

Journal of clinical medicine research

Peabody JW, Paculdo DR, Tamondong-Lachica D, Florentino J, Ouenes O, Shimkhada R, DeMaria L, Burgon TB

A psychosocial resilience curriculum provides the "missing piece" to boost adolescent physical health: A randomized controlled trial of Girls First in India.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Leventhal KS, DeMaria LM, Gillham JE, Andrew G, Peabody J, Leventhal SM

Low Rates of Genetic Testing in Children With Developmental Delays, Intellectual Disability, and Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Global pediatric health

Peabody J, DeMaria L, Tamandong-LaChica D, Florentino J, Acelajado MC, Burgon T

Building psychosocial assets and wellbeing among adolescent girls: A randomized controlled trial.

Journal of adolescence

Leventhal KS, Gillham J, DeMaria L, Andrew G, Peabody J, Leventhal S

Managing specialty care in an era of heightened accountability: emphasizing quality and accelerating savings.

The American journal of managed care

Peabody JW, Huang X, Shimkhada R, Rosenthal M

Quality of care and health status in Ukraine.

BMC health services research

Peabody JW, Luck J, DeMaria L, Menon R

The impact of screening tools on diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in primary care.

American journal of preventive medicine

Yawn BP, Duvall K, Peabody J, Albers F, Iqbal A, Paden H, Zubek VB, Wadland WC

New thinking on clinical utility: hard lessons for molecular diagnostics.

The American journal of managed care

Peabody JW, Shimkhada R, Tong KB, Zubiller MB

Does stewardship make a difference in the quality of care? Evidence from clinics and pharmacies in Kenya and Ghana.

International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care

Spreng CP, Ojo IP, Burger NE, Sood N, Peabody JW, Demaria LM

Variations and practice in the care of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: quality and cost of care.

Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases

DeMaria L, Acelajado MC, Luck J, Ta H, Chernoff D, Florentino J, Peabody JW

The impact of performance incentives on child health outcomes: results from a cluster randomized controlled trial in the Philippines.

Health policy and planning

Peabody JW, Shimkhada R, Quimbo S, Solon O, Javier X, McCulloch C

Impact of rheumatoid arthritis disease activity test on clinical practice.

PloS one

Peabody JW, Strand V, Shimkhada R, Lee R, Chernoff D

Public hospital care: equal for all or equal for some? Evidence from the Philippines.

Asia-Pacific journal of public health

James CD, Peabody J, Hanson K, Solon O

Demonstrating bias and improved inference for stoves' health benefits.

International journal of epidemiology

Mueller V, Pfaff A, Peabody J, Liu Y, Smith KR

Financial incentives and measurement improved physicians' quality of care in the Philippines.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Peabody J, Shimkhada R, Quimbo S, Florentino J, Bacate M, McCulloch CE, Solon O

A comparison of objective biomarkers with a subjective health status measure among children in the Philippines.

Asia-Pacific journal of public health

Butrick E, Peabody JW, Solon O, DeSalvo KB, Quimbo SA

Quality variation and its impact on costs and satisfaction: evidence from the QIDS study.

Medical care

Peabody JW, Florentino J, Shimkhada R, Solon O, Quimbo S

Understanding predictors of postdischarge deaths: a prospective evaluation of children 5 years and younger discharged from Philippine district hospitals.

Asia-Pacific journal of public health

Panelo CI, Shimkhada R, Solon OC, Quimbo SA, Florentino JF, Peabody JW

An unhealthy public-private tension: pharmacy ownership, prescribing, and spending in the Philippines.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

James CD, Peabody J, Solon O, Quimbo S, Hanson K

The health and cost impact of care delay and the experimental impact of insurance on reducing delays.

The Journal of pediatrics

Kraft AD, Quimbo SA, Solon O, Shimkhada R, Florentino J, Peabody JW

An evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of policy navigators to improve access to care for the poor in the Philippines.

Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Solon O, Peabody JW, Woo K, Quimbo SA, Florentino J, Shimkhada R

Health care expenditure prediction with a single item, self-rated health measure.

Medical care

DeSalvo KB, Jones TM, Peabody J, McDonald J, Fihn S, Fan V, He J, Muntner P

A novel method for measuring health care system performance: experience from QIDS in the Philippines.

Health policy and planning

Solon O, Woo K, Quimbo SA, Shimkhada R, Florentino J, Peabody JW

Underutilization of social insurance among the poor: evidence from the Philippines.

PloS one

Quimbo S, Florentino J, Peabody JW, Shimkhada R, Panelo C, Solon O

Economic evaluation of medication, laser trabeculoplasty and filtering surgeries in treating patients with glaucoma in the US.

Current medical research and opinion

Cantor LB, Katz LJ, Cheng JW, Chen E, Tong KB, Peabody JW

The Quality Improvement Demonstration Study: an example of evidence-based policy-making in practice.

Health research policy and systems

Shimkhada R, Peabody JW, Quimbo SA, Solon O

Associations between cognitive function, blood lead concentration, and nutrition among children in the central Philippines.

The Journal of pediatrics

Solon O, Riddell TJ, Quimbo SA, Butrick E, Aylward GP, Lou Bacate M, Peabody JW

Elevated blood-lead levels among children living in the rural Philippines.

Bulletin of the World Health Organization

Riddell TJ, Solon O, Quimbo SA, Tan CM, Butrick E, Peabody JW

Quality of care associated with number of cases seen and self-reports of clinical competence for Japanese physicians-in-training in internal medicine.

BMC medical education

Hayashino Y, Fukuhara S, Matsui K, Noguchi Y, Minami T, Bertenthal D, Peabody JW, Mutoh Y, Hirao Y, Kikawa K, Fukumoto Y, Hayano J, Ino T, Sawada U, Seino J, Higuma N, Ishimaru H

Why we love quality but hate to measure it.

Quality management in health care

Peabody J

Assessing measurement properties of two single-item general health measures.

Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation

DeSalvo KB, Fisher WP, Tran K, Bloser N, Merrill W, Peabody J

Cardiac risk underestimation in urban, black women.

Journal of general internal medicine

DeSalvo KB, Gregg J, Kleinpeter M, Pedersen BR, Stepter A, Peabody J

Quality of care and its impact on population health: a cross-sectional study from Macedonia.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Peabody JW, Nordyke RJ, Tozija F, Luck J, Muñoz JA, Sunderland A, Desalvo K, Ponce N, McCulloch C

COPD: a prevalence estimation model.

Respirology (Carlton, Vic.)

Peabody JW, Schau B, Lopez-Vidriero M, Vestbo J, Wade S, Iqbal A

The burden of disease, economic costs and clinical consequences of tuberculosis in the Philippines.

Health policy and planning

Peabody JW, Shimkhada R, Tan C, Luck J

Quality of ambulatory care for women and men in the Veterans Affairs Health Care System.

Journal of general internal medicine

Jha AK, Perlin JB, Steinman MA, Peabody JW, Ayanian JZ

Patterns of care for COPD by Japanese physicians.

Respirology (Carlton, Vic.)

Fukuhara S, Nishimura M, Nordyke RJ, Zaher CA, Peabody JW

Indoor air pollution in rural China: cooking fuels, stoves, and health status.

Archives of environmental & occupational health

Peabody JW, Riddell TJ, Smith KR, Liu Y, Zhao Y, Gong J, Milet M, Sinton JE

Using vignettes to compare the quality of clinical care variation in economically divergent countries.

Health services research

Peabody JW, Tozija F, Muñoz JA, Nordyke RJ, Luck J

Measuring the quality of physician practice by using clinical vignettes: a prospective validation study.

Annals of internal medicine

Peabody JW, Luck J, Glassman P, Jain S, Hansen J, Spell M, Lee M

Assessing the accuracy of administrative data in health information systems.

Medical care

Peabody JW, Luck J, Jain S, Bertenthal D, Glassman P

An evaluation of vignettes for predicting variation in the quality of preventive care.

Journal of general internal medicine

Dresselhaus TR, Peabody JW, Luck J, Bertenthal D

Maternal predictors of infant health outcomes among Hawaiians.

Hawaii medical journal

Todd WA, Peabody JW

A boost to service and quality. California addresses the ills of healthcare with selective technology investments.

Healthcare informatics : the business magazine for information and communication systems

Boland P, White KL, Wieners WW, Peabody JW

Tobacco control in India.

Bulletin of the World Health Organization

Shimkhada R, Peabody JW

A review of the case for neonatal thyrotropin screening in developing countries: the example of India.

Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association

Bhatara V, Sankar R, Unutzer J, Peabody J

Market reforms and public incentives: finding a balance in the Republic of Macedonia.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Nordyke RJ, Peabody JW

Leiomyomata of the esophagus. An analysis of 838 cases.


Seremetis MG, Lyons WS, deGuzman VC, Peabody JW

Leiomyoma of the esophagus. A report of 19 surgical cases.

The Annals of thoracic surgery

Seremetis MG, De Guzman VC, Lyons WS, Peabody JW


The Journal of pediatrics