Robert Pantell, MD

+1 415 476-4349

Authors' Response.


Pantell RH, Roberts KB

Authors' Response.


Pantell RH, Roberts KB

Evaluation and Management of Well-Appearing Febrile Infants 8 to 60 Days Old.


Pantell RH, Roberts KB, Adams WG, Dreyer BP, Kuppermann N, O'Leary ST, Okechukwu K, Woods CR, Subcommittee On Febrile Infants

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Prevalence and Treatment in Detained Youths: Strategies for Improvement.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Francisco-Natanauan P, Leatherman-Arkus N, Pantell RH

Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Febrile Infants: Challenging Tradition.

Advances in pediatrics

Pantell RH, Roberts KB, Greenhow TL, Pantell MS

The changing epidemiology of serious bacterial infections in young infants.

The Pediatric infectious disease journal

Greenhow TL, Hung YY, Herz AM, Losada E, Pantell RH

Office-based treatment and outcomes for febrile infants with clinically diagnosed bronchiolitis.


Luginbuhl LM, Newman TB, Pantell RH, Finch SA, Wasserman RC

Forgone health care among U.S. adolescents: associations between risk characteristics and confidentiality concern.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Lehrer JA, Pantell R, Tebb K, Shafer MA

Does clinical presentation explain practice variability in the treatment of febrile infants?


Bergman DA, Mayer ML, Pantell RH, Finch SA, Wasserman RC

Examination of the treatment and follow-up care for adolescents who test positive for Chlamydia trachomatis infection.

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine

Hwang LY, Tebb KP, Shafer MA, Pantell RH

Choice of urine collection methods for the diagnosis of urinary tract infection in young, febrile infants.

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine

Schroeder AR, Newman TB, Wasserman RC, Finch SA, Pantell RH

Screening sexually active adolescents for Chlamydia trachomatis: what about the boys?

American journal of public health

Tebb KP, Pantell RH, Wibbelsman CJ, Neuhaus JM, Tipton AC, Pecson SC, Pai-Dhungat M, Ko TH, Shafer MA

A Fever of unknown source.

The virtual mentor : VM

Neelon FA, Pantell RH, Quill TE

Impact of pulse oximetry and oxygen therapy on length of stay in bronchiolitis hospitalizations.

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine

Schroeder AR, Marmor AK, Pantell RH, Newman TB

Management and outcomes of care of fever in early infancy.


Pantell RH, Newman TB, Bernzweig J, Bergman DA, Takayama JI, Segal M, Finch SA, Wasserman RC

To screen or not to screen: prevalence of C. trachomatis among sexually active asymptomatic male adolescents attending health maintenance pediatric visits.

The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine

Tebb KP, Shafer MA, Wibbelsman CJ, Pecson S, Tipton AC, Neuhaus JM, Ko TH, Pantell RH

Effect of a clinical practice improvement intervention on Chlamydial screening among adolescent girls.


Shafer MA, Tebb KP, Pantell RH, Wibbelsman CJ, Neuhaus JM, Tipton AC, Kunin SB, Ko TH, Schweppe DM, Bergman DA

Urine testing and urinary tract infections in febrile infants seen in office settings: the Pediatric Research in Office Settings' Febrile Infant Study.

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine

Newman TB, Bernzweig JA, Takayama JI, Finch SA, Wasserman RC, Pantell RH