Shelley Adler, PhD

Director, UCSF Osher Center
Family Community Medicine
+1 415 353-7709

"May we be the bridge and boat to cross the water": Community-engaged research on metta meditation.

The American journal of orthopsychiatry

Thompson-Lastad A, Hussein SN, Harrison JM, Zhang XJ, Ikeda MP, Chao MT, Adler SR, Weng HY

Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching: A Call to Action to Address a Research Gap for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

Journal of integrative and complementary medicine

Smith AM, Adler SR, Prelock P, Sibold J, Westervelt K, Wolever RQ

A Qualitative Examination of Perceptions of Mindfulness Among Arab, Middle Eastern, and North African Americans: Implications for Cultural Adaptation of Mindfulness-Based Interventions.

Global advances in integrative medicine and health

Haidar A, Kalantzis M, Nallajerla M, Vela A, Adler SR, Burnett-Zeigler I

Integrative Health Equity: Definition, Principles, Strategies, and Reflections.

Global advances in integrative medicine and health

Chao MT, Adler SR

The Reliability of Rating via Audio-Recording Using the Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Teaching Assessment Criteria.

Global advances in integrative medicine and health

Floyd E, Adler SR, Crane RS, Brewer J, Moran P, Richler R, Hartogensis W, Kuyken W, Hecht FM

Preventing Depression Relapse: A Qualitative Study on the Need for Additional Structured Support Following Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy.

Global advances in integrative medicine and health

Siwik CJ, Adler SR, Moran PJ, Kuyken W, Segal Z, Felder J, Eisendrath S, Hecht FM

A 4-Month Whole-Systems Ayurvedic Medicine Nutrition and Lifestyle Intervention Is Feasible and Acceptable for Breast Cancer Survivors: Results of a Single-Arm Pilot Clinical Trial.

Global advances in health and medicine

Dhruva A, Wu C, Miaskowski C, Hartogensis W, Rugo HS, Adler SR, Kaptchuk TJ, Kelkar R, Agarawal S, Vadodaria A, Garris E, Hecht FM

Experiences of Advanced Breast Cancer Among Latina Immigrants: A Qualitative Pilot Study.

Journal of immigrant and minority health

Glaser J, Coulter YZ, Thompson-Lastad A, Castro-Smyth L, Serrano E, Adler SR

Integrative Palliative Care: A New Transformative Field to Alleviate Suffering.

Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.)

Chiaramonte DR, Adler SR

Students' response to a Massage & Meditation medical school course elective.

MedEdPublish (2016)

Binstock M, Morinis L, Adler S, Mehling WE

Call for Special Focus Issue Papers: Integrative Palliative Care.

Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.)

Adler S, Chiaramonte D

End-of-Life Concerns and Experiences of Living with Advanced Breast Cancer among Medically Underserved Women.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Adler SR, Coulter YZ, Stone K, Glaser J, Duerr M, Enochty S

Vulnerable Patients' Psychosocial Experiences in a Group-Based, Integrative Pain Management Program.

Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.)

Bruns EB, Befus D, Wismer B, Knight K, Adler SR, Leonoudakis-Watts K, Thompson-Lastad A, Chao MT

Integrative Palliative Care: Enhancing the Natural Synergy Between Integrative Health and Palliative Medicine.

Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.)

Adler SR, Marchand LR, Heap N

Implementing an Inpatient Acupuncture Service for Pain and Symptom Management: Identifying Opportunities and Challenges.

Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.)

Harrison JD, Reddy S, Liu R, Adler SR, Chao MT

Integrative Health: An Interprofessional Standardized Patient Case for Prelicensure Learners.

MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources

Rivera J, de Lisser R, Dhruva A, Fitzsimmons A, Hyde S, Reddy S, Tsourounis C, Adler SR

Integrative Medicine and the Imperative for Health Justice.

Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.)

Chao MT, Adler SR

The impact of intramural grants on educators' careers and on medical education innovation.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Adler SR, Chang A, Loeser H, Cooke M, Wang J, Teherani A

Perceptions of interprofessional teamwork in low-acuity settings: a qualitative analysis.

Medical education

van Schaik SM, O'Brien BC, Almeida SA, Adler SR

Correlating traditional Ayurvedic and modern medical perspectives on cancer: results of a qualitative study.

Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.)

Dhruva A, Hecht FM, Miaskowski C, Kaptchuk TJ, Bodeker G, Abrams D, Lad V, Adler SR

Innovation and collaboration: the First International Congress for Educators in Complementary and Integrative Medicine.

Explore (New York, N.Y.)

Haramati A, Adler SR, Wiles M, Sierpina VS, Kreitzer MJ

Sleep Paralysis: Night-mares, Nocebos, and the Mind-Body Connection

Series in Medical Anthropology. Rutgers University Press

Adler SR

Creating an ideal social and behavioural sciences curriculum for medical students.

Medical education

Satterfield JM, Adler SR, Chen HC, Hauer KE, Saba GW, Salazar R

"I'm sitting here by myself ...": experiences of patients with serious illness at an Urban Public Hospital.

Journal of palliative medicine

Dzul-Church V, Cimino JW, Adler SR, Wong P, Anderson WG

Encouraging scholarship: medical school programs to promote student inquiry beyond the traditional medical curriculum.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Green EP, Borkan JM, Pross SH, Adler SR, Nothnagle M, Parsonnet J, Gruppuso PA

Why doctors choose small towns: a developmental model of rural physician recruitment and retention.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Hancock C, Steinbach A, Nesbitt TS, Adler SR, Auerswald CL

Assessing students' socio-cultural knowledge frameworks through concept.

Medical education

Adler SR, Wilson E, Coulter YZ

Minority faculty voices on diversity in academic medicine: perspectives from one school.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Mahoney MR, Wilson E, Odom KL, Flowers L, Adler SR

Use of complementary and alternative medicine during the menopause transition: longitudinal results from the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation.

Menopause (New York, N.Y.)

Bair YA, Gold EB, Zhang G, Rasor N, Utts J, Upchurch DM, Chyu L, Greendale GA, Sternfeld B, Adler SR

A novel clinical-trial design for the study of massage therapy.

Complementary therapies in medicine

Patterson M, Maurer S, Adler SR, Avins AL

Student 'moles': revealing the hidden curriculum.

Medical education

Adler SR, Hughes EF, Scott RB

Ethnic differences in use of complementary and alternative medicine at midlife: longitudinal results from SWAN participants.

American journal of public health

Bair YA, Gold EB, Greendale GA, Sternfeld B, Adler SR, Azari R, Harkey M

Conceptualizing menopause and midlife: Chinese American and Chinese women in the US.


Adler SR, Fosket JR, Kagawa-Singer M, McGraw SA, Wong-Kim E, Gold E, Sternfeld B

Alternative therapies used by women with breast cancer in four ethnic populations.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Lee MM, Lin SS, Wrensch MR, Adler SR, Eisenberg D

Refugee stress and folk belief: Hmong sudden deaths.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Adler SR