American journal of public health

Paid family leave effects on breastfeeding: A quasi-experimental study of U.S. policies

American journal of public health

Hamad R, Modrek S, White JS

The Influence of Industry Sponsorship on the Research Agenda: A Scoping Review.

American journal of public health

Fabbri A, Lai A, Grundy Q, Bero LA

Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Arrests for Drug Possession After California Proposition 47, 2011-2016.

American journal of public health

Mooney AC, Giannella E, Glymour MM, Neilands TB, Morris MD, Tulsky J, Sudhinaraset M

Causal Thinking as a Critical Tool for Eliminating Social Inequalities in Health.

American journal of public health

Glymour MM, Hamad R

Not All Influences on Science Are Conflicts of Interest.

American journal of public health

Bero LA, Grundy Q

Causal Thinking as a Critical Tool for Eliminating Social Inequalities in Health.

American journal of public health

Glymour MM, Hamad R

Not All Influences on Science Are Conflicts of Interest.

American journal of public health

Bero LA, Grundy Q
