Poverty and survival in targeted immunotherapy clinical trials.

Kira O'Neil Bona, Yimei Li, Lena Winestone, Kelly D. Getz, Yuan-Shung Huang, Brian Fisher, Ami Vijay Desai, Troy Richardson, Matt Hall, Arlene Naranjo, Tara O. Henderson, Richard Aplenc, Rochelle Bagatell. Poverty and survival in targeted immunotherapy clinical trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2019 May 20; 37(15_suppl):10034-10034.


Kira O'Neil Bona, Yimei Li, Lena Winestone, Kelly D. Getz, Yuan-Shung Huang, Brian Fisher, Ami Vijay Desai, Troy Richardson, Matt Hall, Arlene Naranjo, Tara O. Henderson, Richard Aplenc, Rochelle Bagatell