Janet Shim, PhD

Social Behavioral Sciences
+1 415 514-9392

Areas of Interest: Sociology of health and illness; social inequalities in health; science, technology, and medicine studies; race, gender, and class; qualitative research methods.


Social Capital and Cultural Health Capital in Primary Care: The Case of Group Medical Visits.

Sociology of health & illness

Thompson-Lastad A, Harrison JM, Shim JK

Marginalized measures: The harmonization of diversity in precision medicine research.

Social studies of science

Jeske M, Saperstein A, Lee SS, Shim JK

Mixed Methods for Research on Support Networks of People Experiencing Chronic Illness and Social Marginalization.

Qualitative health research

Nápoles TM, Ekl EA, Nicklas J, Gómez-Pathak L, Yen IH, Carrillo D, de Leon K, Burke NJ, Perry BL, Shim JK

Social support in the urban safety net: Assessing tie activation among individuals with complex care needs.

Journal of social and personal relationships

Emily A. Ekl, Tessa M. Nápoles, Irene H. Yen, Laura E. Pathak, Jeff Nicklas, Janet K. Shim, Brea L. Perry

Patient and physician perspectives on treatments for low-risk prostate cancer: a qualitative study.

BMC cancer

Guan A, Santiago-Rodríguez EJ, Chung BI, Shim JK, Allen L, Kuo MC, Lau K, Loya Z, Brooks JD, Cheng I, DeRouen MC, Frosch DL, Golden T, Leppert JT, Lichtensztajn DY, Lu Q, Oh D, Sieh W, Wadhwa M, Cooperberg MR, Carroll PR, Gomez SL, Shariff-Marco S

Interrogating the Value of Return of Results for Diverse Populations: Perspectives from Precision Medicine Researchers.

AJOB empirical bioethics

McMahon CE, Foti N, Jeske M, Britton WR, Fullerton SM, Shim JK, Lee SS

Biomedicalisation revisited: concepts and practices.

Handbook on the Sociology of Health and Medicine

Adele E. Clarke, Melanie Jeske, Janet K. Shim, Laura Mamo

Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Process(es) of Frequent K–12 Student Mobility in Urban Contexts.

Education and Urban Society

Sarah Ryan, Robert K. Ream, Margaret Martin, Janet K. Shim, Marquita S. Brooks, Irene H. Yen

Rethinking Benefit and Responsibility in in the Context of Diversity: Perspectives from the Frontlines of Precision Medicine Research.

Public health genomics

Vasquez E, Foti N, McMahon CE, Jeske M, Bentz M, Fullerton S, Shim JK, Lee SS

Patient-level factors associated with the use of active surveillance: The talking about prostate cancer cohort.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

Nita Mukand, Salma Shariff-Marco, James D. Brooks, Benjamin I. Chung, John T. Leppert, Dominick Frosh, Weiva Sieh, Alice Guan, Eduardo J Santiago-Rodriguez, Peter Carroll, Janet K Shim, Mei-Chin Kuo, Laura Allen, Mindy DeRouen, Iona Cheng, Scarlett L. Gomez, Qian Lu

Community Engagement in Precision Medicine Research: Organizational Practices and Their Impacts for Equity.

AJOB empirical bioethics

Shim JK, Foti N, Vasquez E, Fullerton SM, Bentz M, Jeske M, Lee SS

Factors that influence treatment decisions: A qualitative study of racially and ethnically diverse patients with low- and very-low risk prostate cancer.

Cancer medicine

Guan A, Shim JK, Allen L, Kuo MC, Lau K, Loya Z, Brooks JD, Carroll PR, Cheng I, Chung BI, DeRouen MC, Frosch DL, Golden T, Leppert JT, Lichtensztajn DY, Lu Q, Oh DL, Sieh W, Wadhwa M, Gomez SL, Shariff-Marco S

Targeting Representation: Interpreting Calls for Diversity in Precision Medicine Research.

The Yale journal of biology and medicine

Lee SS, Fullerton SM, McMahon CE, Bentz M, Saperstein A, Jeske M, Vasquez E, Foti N, Saco L, Shim JK

Strategies of inclusion: The tradeoffs of pursuing "baked in" diversity through place-based recruitment.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Shim JK, Bentz M, Vasquez E, Jeske M, Saperstein A, Fullerton SM, Foti N, McMahon C, Lee SS

Beyond inclusion: Enacting team equity in precision medicine research.

PloS one

Jeske M, Vasquez E, Fullerton SM, Saperstein A, Bentz M, Foti N, Shim JK, Lee SS

I’ll Take a Year Off and Look What Happened’: How Family Caregiving Responsibilities Influence Educational Trajectories in the United States.

American Journal of Qualitative Research

Joanna Farrer Mackie, Janet Shim, Catherine Duarte, Robert Ream, Irene Yen

"Housing Is Health Care": Treating Homelessness in Safety-Net Hospitals.

Medical anthropology quarterly

Hanssmann C, Shim JK, Yen IH, Fleming MD, Van Natta M, Thompson-Lastad A, Rasidjan MP, Burke NJ

Managing the "hot spots": Health care, policing, and the governance of poverty in the US.

American ethnologist

Fleming MD, Shim JK, Yen I, Dubbin L, Thompson-Lastad A, Hanssmann C, Burke NJ

Social Literacy: Nurses' Contribution Toward the Co-Production of Self-Management.

Global qualitative nursing research

Dubbin L, Burke N, Fleming M, Thompson-Lastad A, Napoles TM, Yen I, Shim JK

Biomedicalization Revisited.

Adele E. Clarke, Melanie Jeske, Laura Mamo, Janet K. Shim

1 / Biomedicalization Technoscientific Transformations of Health, Illness , and U. S. Biomedicine.


Adele E. Clarke, Janet K. Shim, Laura Mamo, Jennifer Ruth Fosket, Jennifer R. Fishman

2 / Charting (Bio)Medicine and (Bio)Medicalization in the United States, 1890–Present.


Adele E. Clarke, Jennifer Ruth Fosket, Laura Mamo, Jennifer R. Fishman, Janet K. Shim

Biomedicalization A Theoretical and Substantive Introduction.


Adele E. Clarke, Janet K. Shim, Laura Mamo, Jennifer Ruth Fosket, Jennifer R. Fishman

Patient Engagement, Chronic Illness, and the Subject of Health Care Reform.

Medical anthropology

Fleming MD, Shim JK, Yen I, Thompson-Lastad A, Burke NJ

Direct-to-consumer genomic testing: Are nurses prepared?


Flowers E, Leutwyler H, Shim JK

Empowering Patient Participation in Advance Care Planning Discussions: Audio Recordings of Primary Care Visits Among PREPARE Randomized Trial Participants (CS201B).

Journal of pain and symptom management

Jennifer Freytag, Deborah Barnes, Ying Shi, Aiesha Volow, Janet Shim, Stewart Alexander, Rebecca Sudore

Abstract A047: An ethnographic study of African American men's prostate cancer treatment decision-making.

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention

Nynikka R. Palmer, Richard L. Street, Dean Schillinger, Janet K. Shim, Sarah D. Blaschko, Benjamin N. Breyer, Rena J. Pasick

Abstract B053: Factors that influence prostate cancer treatment decisions: A qualitative study among a diverse, population-based sample of men with low-risk prostate cancer in Northern California.

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention

Salma Shariff-Marco, Janet Shim, Laura Allen, Mei-Chin Kuo, Kathie Lau, Todd Golden, Zinnia Loya, Alice Guan, Mindy C. DeRouen, Debora Oh, Daphne Lichtensztajn, Scarlett Lin Gomez

Different Caregiver, Different Collaboration.

Journal of Social Behavioral and Health Sciences

Helle Rønn-Smidt, Janet K Shim, Amber Fitzsimmons, Kristian Larsen, Hanne Pallesen

Empowering Older Adults to Discuss Advance Care Planning During Clinical Visits: The PREPARE Randomized Trial.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

Freytag J, Street RL, Barnes DE, Shi Y, Volow AM, Shim JK, Alexander SC, Sudore RL

Hysteresis - or the mismatch of expectations and possibilities among relatives in a transforming health care system.

Health sociology review : the journal of the Health Section of the Australian Sociological Association

Roenn-Smidt H, Shim JK, Larsen K, Hindhede AL

Ethics of inclusion: Cultivate trust in precision medicine.

Science (New York, N.Y.)

Lee SS, Fullerton SM, Saperstein A, Shim JK

Caring for "Super-utilizers": Neoliberal Social Assistance in the Safety-net.

Medical anthropology quarterly

Fleming MD, Shim JK, Yen I, Van Natta M, Hanssmann C, Burke NJ

Stratified citizenship, stratified health: Examining latinx legal status in the U.S. healthcare safety net.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Van Natta M, Burke NJ, Yen IH, Fleming MD, Hanssmann CL, Rasidjan MP, Shim JK

Like a Fish out of Water: Managing Chronic Pain in the Urban Safety Net.

Journal of health and social behavior

Rubin S, Burke N, Van Natta M, Yen I, Shim JK

Complex care and contradictions of choice in the safety net.

Sociology of health & illness

Van Natta M, Burke NJ, Yen IH, Rubin S, Fleming MD, Thompson-Lastad A, Shim JK

Assessing Patient Activation among High-Need, High-Cost Patients in Urban Safety Net Care Settings.

Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine

Napoles TM, Burke NJ, Shim JK, Davis E, Moskowitz D, Yen IH

Response to commentary, "Trauma and the structuring of complex care: Back to the settlements?" by Elizabeth Bowen.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Thompson-Lastad A, Yen IH, Fleming MD, Van Natta M, Rubin S, Shim JK, Burke NJ

The Ethics of Translational Science: Imagining Public Benefit in Gene-Environment Interaction Research.

Engaging science, technology, and society

Ackerman SL, Darling KW, Lee SS, Hiatt RA, Shim JK

Defining trauma in complex care management: Safety-net providers' perspectives on structural vulnerability and time.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Thompson-Lastad A, Yen IH, Fleming MD, Van Natta M, Rubin S, Shim JK, Burke NJ

Patient engagement at the margins: Health care providers' assessments of engagement and the structural determinants of health in the safety-net.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Fleming MD, Shim JK, Yen IH, Thompson-Lastad A, Rubin S, Van Natta M, Burke NJ

The odd couple: Using biomedicine and intersectional approaches to address health inequities

Global health action

Hankivsky, Olena, Lesley Doyal, Gillian Einstein, Ursula Kelly, Janet K. Shim, Lynn Weber, and Robin Repta

My Bioethics Will Be Intersectional or It Will Be [Bleep].

The American journal of bioethics : AJOB

Grzanka PR, Brian JD, Shim JK

Understanding Health Inequalities and Justice: Bridging Perspectives for New Conversations, edited by Michele Rivkin-Fish, Mara Buchbinder, and Rebecca Walker

Cultural health capital: A sociological intervention into patient-centered care and the Affordable Care Act

Shim, Janet K., Jamie Suki Chang, and Leslie A. Dubbin

Provider Perspectives on the Influence of Family on Nursing Home Resident Transfers to the Emergency Department: Crises at the End of Life.

Current gerontology and geriatrics research

Stephens C, Halifax E, Bui N, Lee SJ, Harrington C, Shim J, Ritchie C

Accounting for Complexity: Gene-environment Interaction Research and the Moral Economy of Quantification.

Science, technology & human values

Ackerman SL, Darling KW, Lee SS, Hiatt RA, Shim JK

Reimagining (Bio)Medicalization, Pharmaceuticals, and Genetics: Old Critiques and New Engagements, edited by Susan Bell and Anne Figert

Reimagining race and ancestry: Biomedicalizing difference in post-genomic subjects

Shim, Janet K., Katherine Weatherford Darling, Sara L. Ackerman, Robert A. Hiatt, and Sandra Soo-Jin Lee

Race and ancestry in the age of inclusion: technique and meaning in post-genomic science.

Journal of health and social behavior

Shim JK, Ackerman SL, Darling KW, Hiatt RA, Lee SS

Homogeneity and heterogeneity as situational properties: producing--and moving beyond?--race in post-genomic science.

Social studies of science

Shim JK, Darling KW, Lappe MD, Thomson LK, Lee SS, Hiatt RA, Ackerman SL

Heart-Sick: The Politics of Risk, Inequality, and Heart Disease

Heart-Sick: The Politics of Risk, Inequality, and Heart Disease

Janet K. Shim

Cultural health capital and the interactional dynamics of patient-centered care.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Dubbin LA, Chang JS, Shim JK

Older people and social connectedness: how place and activities keep people engaged.

Journal of aging research

Yen IH, Shim JK, Martinez AD, Barker JC

Handbook of the Sociology of Health, Illness, and Healing: Blueprint for the 21st Century, edited by Pescosolido B, Martin JK, McLeod JD, and Rogers A

Medicalization and biomedicalization revisited: Technoscience and transformations of health, illness, and American medicine

Clarke AE and Shim JK

Rethinking Social Epidemiology: Towards a Science of Change, edited by O’Campo P and Dunn J

Application of two schools of social theory for neighbourhood, place, and health research

Yen IH, Shim JK, Martinez AD

Medicalization and Biomedicalization Revisited: Technoscience and Transformations of Health, Illness and American Medicine.

Handbook of the Sociology of Health, Illness, and Healing

Adele E. Clarke, Janet Shim

Biomedicalization: Technoscience, Health and Illness in the U.S

Biomedicalization: Technoscience, Health and Illness in the U.S.

Clarke AE, Mamo L, Fosket JR, Fishman JR, and Shim JK (eds.)

Biomedicalization: Technoscience, Health and Illness in the U.S., edited by Adele E. Clarke, Laura Mamo, Jennifer R. Fosket, Jennifer R. Fishman, and Janet K. Shim

Biomedicalization: A theoretical and substantive introduction

Clarke AE, Shim JK, Mamo L, Fosket JR, Fishman JR

The stratified biomedicalization of heart disease: Expert and lay perspectives on racial and class inequality

Biomedicalization: Technoscience, Health and Illness in the U.S., edited by Adele E. Clarke, Laura Mamo, Jennifer R. Fosket, Jennifer R. Fishman, and Janet K. Shim

Shim JK


Adele E. Clarke, Janet K. Shim, Laura Mamo, Jennifer Ruth Fosket, Jennifer R. Fishman


Adele E. Clarke, Janet K. Shim, Laura Mamo, Jennifer Ruth Fosket, Jennifer R. Fishman

Charting (Bio)Medicine and (Bio)Medicalization in the United States, 1890-Present.

Adele E. Clarke, Jennifer Ruth Fosket, Laura Mamo, Jennifer R. Fishman, Janet K. Shim

Late-life cardiac interventions and the treatment imperative.

PLoS medicine

Shim JK, Russ AJ, Kaufman SR

The Sociology of Health and Illness: Critical Perspectives, edited by Conrad P

‘Choosing later’ about dialysis treatment near the end of life

Russ AJ, Shim JK, Kaufman SR

The value of "life at any cost": talk about stopping kidney dialysis.

Social science & medicine (1982)

Russ AJ, Shim JK, Kaufman SR

Clinical life: expectation and the double edge of medical promise.

Health (London, England : 1997)

Shim JK, Russ AJ, Kaufman SR

Old age, life extension, and the character of medical choice.

The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences

Kaufman SR, Shim JK, Russ AJ

Risk, life extension and the pursuit of medical possibility.

Sociology of health & illness

Shim JK, Russ AJ, Kaufman SR

Aged bodies and kinship matters: The ethical field of kidney transplant.

American ethnologist

Kaufman SR, Russ AJ, Shim JK

Bodies in the Making: Transgressions and Transformations, edited by Chen NN and Moglen H

Aged bodies and kinship matters: The biologization of moral commitment

Kaufman SR, Russ AJ, Shim JK

Biomedicalization: Technoscientific Transformations of Health, Illness, and U.S. Biomedicine.

American Sociological Review

Adele E. Clarke, Janet K. Shim, Laura Mamo, Jennifer Ruth Fosket, Jennifer R. Fishman

Biomedicalization: Technoscientific Transformations of Health, Illness, and U.S. Biomedicine.

American Sociological Review

Adele E. Clarke, Laura Mamo, Jennifer R. Fishman, Janet K. Shim, Jennifer Ruth Fosket

Biomedicalization: Technoscientific transformations of health, illness, and U.S. biomedicine

American Sociological Review

Clarke AE, Shim JK, Mamo L, Fosket JR, and Fishman JR

Technosciences et nouvelle biomédicalisation : racines occidentales, rhizomes mondiaux.

Sciences sociales et santé

Adèle E. Clarke, Jennifer R. Fishman, Jennifer Ruth Fosket, Laura Mamo, Janet K. Shim