Colin Partridge, MD

Professor Emeritus
+1 415 476-9970

Valuation of Life With Disability: An International Comparison Study in Vietnam, Peru, and Haiti.

Journal of child neurology

Spiegel E, Nesbit KC, Altenor K, Nguyen HT, Tran L, Hermosa AQ, Martin H, Oettingen JV, Treleaven E, Partridge JC

Newborn metabolic vulnerability profile identifies preterm infants at risk for mortality and morbidity.

Pediatric research

Oltman SP, Rogers EE, Baer RJ, Jasper EA, Anderson JG, Steurer MA, Pantell MS, Petersen MA, Partridge JC, Karasek D, Ross KM, Feuer SK, Franck LS, Rand L, Dagle JM, Ryckman KK, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia precursors influence risk of white matter injury and adverse neurodevelopmental outcome in preterm infants.

Pediatric research

Grelli KN, Keller RL, Rogers EE, Colin Partridge J, Xu D, James Barkovich A, Gano D

Valuation of Quality of Life in Pediatric Disability in a Developing Country.

Journal of child neurology

Spiegel E, Jondhale S, Brajkovic I, Nesbit KC, Allen IE, Bhutani V, Kumar P, Partridge JC

Initial Metabolic Profiles Are Associated with 7-Day Survival among Infants Born at 22-25 Weeks of Gestation.

The Journal of pediatrics

Oltman SP, Rogers EE, Baer RJ, Anderson JG, Steurer MA, Pantell MS, Partridge JC, Rand L, Ryckman KK, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL

Maternal or neonatal infection: association with neonatal encephalopathy outcomes.

Pediatric research

Jenster M, Bonifacio SL, Ruel T, Rogers EE, Tam EW, Partridge JC, Barkovich AJ, Ferriero DM, Glass HC

Referral patterns, delays, and equity in access to advanced paediatric emergency care in Vietnam.

International journal for equity in health

Treleaven E, Pham TN, Le DN, Brooks TN, Le HT, Partridge JC

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Preterm Infant Mortality and Severe Morbidity: A Population-Based Study.


Anderson JG, Rogers EE, Baer RJ, Oltman SP, Paynter R, Partridge JC, Rand L, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Steurer MA

Dynamic outcome prediction in a socio-demographically diverse population-based cohort of extremely preterm neonates.

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association

Steurer MA, Anderson J, Baer RJ, Oltman S, Franck LS, Kuppermann M, Rand L, Ryckman KK, Partridge JC, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Rogers EE

Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn in Late Preterm and Term Infants in California.


Steurer MA, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Baer RJ, Partridge JC, Rogers EE, Keller RL

Population-based risks of mortality and preterm morbidity by gestational age and birth weight.

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association

Baer RJ, Rogers EE, Partridge JC, Anderson JG, Morris M, Kuppermann M, Franck LS, Rand L, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL

Antenatal Exposure to Magnesium Sulfate Is Associated with Reduced Cerebellar Hemorrhage in Preterm Newborns.

The Journal of pediatrics

Gano D, Ho ML, Partridge JC, Glass HC, Xu D, Barkovich AJ, Ferriero DM

Survival and Major Morbidity of Extremely Preterm Infants: A Population-Based Study.


Anderson JG, Baer RJ, Partridge JC, Kuppermann M, Franck LS, Rand L, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL, Rogers EE

Diminished white matter injury over time in a cohort of premature newborns.

The Journal of pediatrics

Gano D, Andersen SK, Partridge JC, Bonifacio SL, Xu D, Glidden DV, Ferriero DM, Barkovich AJ, Glass HC

Perspectives on anticipated quality-of-life and recommendations for neonatal intensive care: a survey of neonatal providers.

The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians

Salmeen K, Janvier A, Sayeed SA, Drey EA, Lantos J, Partridge JC

Resuscitation of neonates at 23 weeks' gestational age: a cost-effectiveness analysis.

The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians

Partridge JC, Robertson KR, Rogers EE, Landman GO, Allen AJ, Caughey AB

Home-use icterometry in neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia: Cluster-randomised controlled trial in Vietnam.

Journal of paediatrics and child health

Luu MN, Le LT, Tran BH, Duong TK, Nguyen HT, Le VT, Partridge JC

Maternal or neonatal infection: association with neonatal encephalopathy outcomes.

Pediatric research

Jenster M, Bonifacio SL, Ruel T, Rogers EE, Tam EW, Partridge JC, Barkovich AJ, Ferriero DM, Glass HC

When life-sustaining treatment is withdrawn and the patient doesn't die.


Kutzsche S, Partridge JC, Leuthner SR, Lantos JD

Barriers to neonatal care in developing countries: parents' and providers' perceptions.

Journal of paediatrics and child health

Martinez AM, Khu DT, Boo NY, Neou L, Saysanasongkham B, Partridge JC

Resuscitation of likely nonviable infants: a cost-utility analysis after the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Partridge JC, Sendowski MD, Martinez AM, Caughey AB

Antenatal education for expectant mothers results in sustained improvement in knowledge of newborn care.

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association

Weiner EA, Billamay S, Partridge JC, Martinez AM

Barriers to palliative care for children: perceptions of pediatric health care providers.


Davies B, Sehring SA, Partridge JC, Cooper BA, Hughes A, Philp JC, Amidi-Nouri A, Kramer RF

MR imaging, MR spectroscopy, and diffusion tensor imaging of sequential studies in neonates with encephalopathy.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Barkovich AJ, Miller SP, Bartha A, Newton N, Hamrick SE, Mukherjee P, Glenn OA, Xu D, Partridge JC, Ferriero DM, Vigneron DB

Early brain injury in premature newborns detected with magnetic resonance imaging is associated with adverse early neurodevelopmental outcome.

The Journal of pediatrics

Miller SP, Ferriero DM, Leonard C, Piecuch R, Glidden DV, Partridge JC, Perez M, Mukherjee P, Vigneron DB, Barkovich AJ

Fetal pain: a systematic multidisciplinary review of the evidence.


Lee SJ, Ralston HJ, Drey EA, Partridge JC, Rosen MA

International comparison of care for very low birth weight infants: parents' perceptions of counseling and decision-making.


Partridge JC, Martinez AM, Nishida H, Boo NY, Tan KW, Yeung CY, Lu JH, Yu VY

Patterns of brain injury in term neonatal encephalopathy.

The Journal of pediatrics

Miller SP, Ramaswamy V, Michelson D, Barkovich AJ, Holshouser B, Wycliffe N, Glidden DV, Deming D, Partridge JC, Wu YW, Ashwal S, Ferriero DM

Physician counselling practices and decision-making for extremely preterm infants in the Pacific Rim.

Journal of paediatrics and child health

Martinez AM, Partridge JC, Yu V, Wee Tan K, Yeung CY, Lu JH, Nishida H, Boo NY

Intensive care for very low birthweight infants in South Africa: a survey of physician attitudes, parent counseling and resuscitation practices.

Journal of tropical pediatrics

Partridge JC, Ranchod TM, Ballot DE, Martinez AM, Cory BJ, Davies VA

Parental perception of neonatal intensive care in public sector hospitals in South Africa.

South African medical journal = Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir geneeskunde

Ranchod TM, Ballot DE, Martinez AM, Cory BJ, Davies VA, Partridge JC

Is exposure to cocaine or cigarette smoke during pregnancy associated with infant visual abnormalities?

Developmental medicine and child neurology

Hajnal BL, Ferriero DM, Partridge JC, Dempsey DA, Good WV

Perinatal stroke in term infants with neonatal encephalopathy.


Ramaswamy V, Miller SP, Barkovich AJ, Partridge JC, Ferriero DM

Clinical signs predict 30-month neurodevelopmental outcome after neonatal encephalopathy.

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology

Miller SP, Latal B, Clark H, Barnwell A, Glidden D, Barkovich AJ, Ferriero DM, Partridge JC

Nucleated red blood cell counts: not associated with brain injury or outcome.

Pediatric neurology

Hamrick SE, Miller SP, Newton NR, Parer JT, Ferriero DM, Barkovich AJ, Partridge JC

Comparing the diagnosis of white matter injury in premature newborns with serial MR imaging and transfontanel ultrasonography findings.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Miller SP, Cozzio CC, Goldstein RB, Ferriero DM, Partridge JC, Vigneron DB, Barkovich AJ

Encephalopathy as a predictor of magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities in asphyxiated newborns.

Pediatric neurology

Kaufman SA, Miller SP, Ferriero DM, Glidden DH, Barkovich AJ, Partridge JC

Serial quantitative diffusion tensor MRI of the premature brain: development in newborns with and without injury.

Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI

Miller SP, Vigneron DB, Henry RG, Bohland MA, Ceppi-Cozzio C, Hoffman C, Newton N, Partridge JC, Ferriero DM, Barkovich AJ

Predictors of 30-month outcome after perinatal depression: role of proton MRS and socioeconomic factors.

Pediatric research

Miller SP, Newton N, Ferriero DM, Partridge JC, Glidden DV, Barnwell A, Chuang NA, Vigneron DB, Barkovich AJ

Pain during Mogen or PlastiBell circumcision.

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association

Taeusch HW, Martinez AM, Partridge JC, Sniderman S, Armstrong-Wells J, Fuentes-Afflick E

Seizure-associated brain injury in term newborns with perinatal asphyxia.


Miller SP, Weiss J, Barnwell A, Ferriero DM, Latal-Hajnal B, Ferrer-Rogers A, Newton N, Partridge JC, Glidden DV, Vigneron DB, Barkovich AJ

Proton spectroscopy and diffusion imaging on the first day of life after perinatal asphyxia: preliminary report.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Barkovich AJ, Westmark KD, Bedi HS, Partridge JC, Ferriero DM, Vigneron DB

Antenatal counselling, resuscitation practices and attitudes among Australian neonatologists towards life support in extreme prematurity.

The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology

Munro M, Yu VY, Partridge JC, Martinez AM

The management of extremely premature infants and the perceptions of viability and parental counselling practices of Australian obstetricians.

The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology

Mulvey S, Partridge JC, Martinez AM, Yu VY, Wallace EM

Three-dimensional proton MR spectroscopic imaging of premature and term neonates.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Vigneron DB, Barkovich AJ, Noworolski SM, von dem Bussche M, Henry RG, Lu Y, Partridge JC, Gregory G, Ferriero DM

Delivery room resuscitation decisions for extremely low birthweight infants in California.

Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association

Partridge JC, Freeman H, Weiss E, Martinez AM

Tone abnormalities are associated with maternal cigarette smoking during pregnancy in in utero cocaine-exposed infants.


Dempsey DA, Hajnal BL, Partridge JC, Jacobson SN, Good W, Jones RT, Ferriero DM

Cocaine metabolite kinetics in the newborn.

Journal of analytical toxicology

Dempsey D, Jacob P, Partridge JC, Jones RT, Panganiban K, Rowbotham MC

Management of extremely low birth weight infants: perceptions of viability and parental counseling practices.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Martinez AM, Weiss E, Partridge JC, Freeman H, Kilpatrick S

Cocaine, nicotine, caffeine, and metabolite plasma concentrations in neonates.

Journal of analytical toxicology

Dempsey DA, Partridge JC, Jones RT, Rowbotham MC

Prediction of neuromotor outcome in perinatal asphyxia: evaluation of MR scoring systems.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Barkovich AJ, Hajnal BL, Vigneron D, Sola A, Partridge JC, Allen F, Ferriero DM

MR contrast enhancement of the normal neonatal brain.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Barkovich AJ, Latal-Hajnal B, Partridge JC, Sola A, Ferriero DM

Neurologic and ophthalmologic findings in children exposed to cocaine in utero.

Journal of child neurology

Tsay CH, Partridge JC, Villarreal SF, Good WV, Ferriero DM

The consequences of a positive prenatal HIV antibody test for women.

Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology : official publication of the International Retrovirology Association

Lester P, Partridge JC, Chesney MA, Cooke M

Patterns and implications of MR contrast enhancement in perinatal asphyxia: a preliminary report.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Westmark KD, Barkovich AJ, Sola A, Ferriero D, Partridge JC

Postischemic hyperglycemia is not protective to the neonatal rat brain.

Pediatric research

Sheldon RA, Partridge JC, Ferriero DM

Influence of maternal body habitus and glucose tolerance on birth weight.

Obstetrics and gynecology

Green JR, Schumacher LB, Pawson IG, Partridge JC, Kretchmer N

Lymphocyte abnormalities in infants born to drug-abusing mothers.

The Journal of pediatrics

Culver KW, Ammann AJ, Partridge JC, Wong DF, Wara DW, Cowan MJ

Water intoxication secondary to feeding mismanagement. A preventable form of familial seizure disorder in infants.

American journal of diseases of children (1960)

Partridge JC, Payne ML, Leisgang JJ, Randolph JF, Rubinstein JH