Howard Pollick, BDS, MPH

Recall Faculty
Preventive & Restor Dent Sci
+1 415 476-9872

Dentist, California Dental License #23263
Diplomate, American Board of Dental Public Health.
Director, Dental Public Health Residency, UCSF. (2012-2019)
Chair, California Fluoridation Advisory Committee. California Oral Health Technical Assistance Center.
Fluoridation Consultant. California Department of Public Health, Office of Oral Health.
Expert Spokesperson on Fluoridation, American Dental Association.
Chair, Oral Health Section, California Public Health Association - North
Chair, Committee on Educational Policy, UCSF and School of Dentistry (2013-15)
Chair, Admissions Committee, UCSF School of Dentistry (2015-16)


C.E. Credit. Truth Decay and Tooth Decay: The Role of Dental Teams in Sharing the Science of Community Water Fluoridation

Journal of the California Dental Association

Zokaie, T, Jacob, M, & Pollick, HF

PracticeUpdate website

A commentary on: Dental patients' perceptions of and desired content from patient health portals.

Pollick H.

PracticeUpdate website

A commentary on: Patterns of fluoride intake from 6 to 17 years of age: The Iowa Fluoride Study.

Pollick H. Available at: . Accessed November 15, 2022

Review of Safety, Frequency and Intervals of Preventive Fluoride Varnish Application for Children. CDA JOURNAL, VOL 47, Nº11. Pages 713-718.

California Dental Association Journal

Lisa H. Berens, DDS, MPH; Mimansa Cholera, BDS, MPH; Deborah Elam, MS, CAE; Susan A. Fisher-Owens, MD, MPH; Margaret Fisher, RDAHP; Stuart A. Gansky, DrPH, MS; Irene V. Hilton, DDS, MPH; Kara Lugtu, MPH; Robert Isman, DDS, MPH; Elaine Musselman, PhD, RN; Howard Pollick, BDS, MPH; and Ling Zhan, DDS, PhD

Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure and Child IQ.

JAMA pediatrics

Gehani CP, Pollick H, Stevenson RA

Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure and Child IQ.

JAMA pediatrics

Gehani CP, Pollick H, Stevenson RA

Children Who Live in Mainly Fluoridated us Counties Have Less Tooth Decay.

The journal of evidence-based dental practice

Pollick H

The Role of Fluoride in the Prevention of Tooth Decay.

Pediatric clinics of North America

Pollick H

Science, politics, and communication: The Case of Community Water Fluoridation in the US.

Annals of epidemiology

Allukian M, Carter-Pokras OD, Gooch BF, Horowitz AM, Iida H, Jacob M, Kleinman DV, Kumar J, Maas WR, Pollick H, Rozier RG

Salt fluoridation: a review.

Journal of the California Dental Association

Pollick HF

The CDA Foundation model to fluoridate communities.

Journal of the California Dental Association

Stocks M, Pollick H

Evidence-based clinical recommendations regarding fluoride intake from reconstituted infant formula and enamel fluorosis: a report of the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs.

Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)

Berg J, Gerweck C, Hujoel PP, King R, Krol DM, Kumar J, Levy S, Pollick H, Whitford GM, Strock S, Aravamudhan K, Frantsve-Hawley J, Meyer DM

Evidence-based clinical recommendations on the prescription of dietary fluoride supplements for caries prevention: a report of the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs.

Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)

Rozier RG, Adair S, Graham F, Iafolla T, Kingman A, Kohn W, Krol D, Levy S, Pollick H, Whitford G, Strock S, Frantsve-Hawley J, Aravamudhan K, Meyer DM

Water consumption beliefs and practices in a rural Latino community: implications for fluoridation.

Journal of public health dentistry

Scherzer T, Barker JC, Pollick H, Weintraub JA

Concerns about water fluoridation, IQ, and osteosarcoma lack credible evidence.

International journal of occupational and environmental health

Pollick HF

Improving the oral health of Alaska natives.

American journal of public health

Campbell D, Pollick HF, Lituri KM, Horowitz AM, Brown J, Janssen JA, Yoder K, Garcia RI, Deinard A, Hemphill S, de la Torre MA, Shrestha B, Vargas CM

Scientific evidence continues to support fluoridation of public water supplies.

International journal of occupational and environmental health

Pollick HF

Water fluoridation and the environment: current perspective in the United States.

International journal of occupational and environmental health

Pollick HF

The association of early childhood caries and race/ethnicity among California preschool children.

Journal of public health dentistry

Shiboski CH, Gansky SA, Ramos-Gomez F, Ngo L, Isman R, Pollick HF

Leaks in dental gloves.

Journal of the California Dental Association

Koumjian JH, Pollick HF

Dental health of recent immigrant children in the Newcomer schools, San Francisco.

American journal of public health

Pollick HF, Rice AJ, Echenberg D

Ethics and geriatrics.

Special care in dentistry : official publication of the American Association of Hospital Dentists, the Academy of Dentistry for the Handicapped, and the American Society for Geriatric Dentistry

Pollick HF

Transplantation experience.

Journal of the American Dental Association (1939)

Pollick HF

Jaw lesions in familial hyperparathyroidism.

Oral surgery, oral medicine, and oral pathology

Kennett S, Pollick H