Julia Faucett, RN, PhD, FAAN

Community Health Systems

Personal service assistance: musculoskeletal disorders and injuries in consumer-directed home care.

American journal of industrial medicine

Faucett J, Kang T, Newcomer R

Risk perception of musculoskeletal injury among critical care nurses.

Nursing research

Lee SJ, Faucett J, Gillen M, Krause N, Landry L

Factors associated with safe patient handling behaviors among critical care nurses.

American journal of industrial medicine

Lee SJ, Faucett J, Gillen M, Krause N, Landry L

Organizational climate and nurse health outcomes in the United States: a systematic review.

Industrial health

Gershon RR, Stone PW, Zeltser M, Faucett J, MacDavitt K, Chou SS

Rest break interventions in stoop labor tasks.

Applied ergonomics

Faucett J, Meyers J, Miles J, Janowitz I, Fathallah F

The prevalence of and risk factors for back pain among home care nursing personnel in Hong Kong.

American journal of industrial medicine

Cheung K, Gillen M, Faucett J, Krause N

Theoretical Issues In Ergonomics Science

Integrating “psychological” factors into a theoretical model for work-related musculoskeletal disorders

Faucett, J

Functional limitations and well-being in injured municipal workers: a longitudinal study.

Journal of occupational rehabilitation

Gillen M, Jewell SA, Faucett JA, Yelin E

Priority risk factors for back injury in agricultural field work: vineyard ergonomics.

Journal of agromedicine

Meyers JM, Miles JA, Faucett J, Janowitz I, Tejeda DG, Weber E, Smith R, Garcia L

Chronic pain in the workplace.

The Nursing clinics of North America

Faucett J, McCarthy D