Tonya Chaffee, MD, MPH

HS Clinical Professor
+1 628 206-3742

VOICES: An efficacious trauma-informed, gender-responsive cannabis use intervention for justice and school-referred girls with lifetime substance use history.

Drug and alcohol dependence

Tolou-Shams M, Dauria EF, Folk J, Shumway M, Marshall BDL, Rizzo CJ, Messina N, Covington S, Haack LM, Chaffee T, Brown LK

Sex trafficking of adolescents and young adults in the United States: healthcare provider's role.

Current opinion in obstetrics & gynecology

Chaffee T, English A

Adolescent violence prevention practices among California pediatricians.

Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine

Chaffee TA, Bridges M, Boyer CB