Academic pediatrics

Development and Testing of an Emergency Department Quality Measure for Pediatric Suicidal Ideation and Self-Harm.

Academic pediatrics

Parast L, Burkhart Q, Bardach NS, Thombley R, Basco WT, Barabell G, Williams DJ, Mitchel E, Machado E, Raghavan P, Tolpadi A, Mangione-Smith R

Adjusting for Social Risk Factors in Pediatric Quality Measures: Adding to the Evidence Base.

Academic pediatrics

Bucholz EM, Toomey SL, McCulloch CE, Bardach N

Weekend vs. Weekday Asthma-Related Emergency Department Utilization.

Academic pediatrics

Mahony T, Harder VS, Ang N, McCulloch CE, Shaw JS, Thombley R, Cabana MD, Kleinman LC, Bardach NS

Current fellowship funding limitations and their threat to the pediatric subspecialty workforce.

Academic pediatrics

Weiss P, Myers AL, McGann KA, Kesselheim JC, Barron C, Klasner A, Heyman MB, Weiss DL, Mauer E, Mason KE, Gerber LM, Abramson EL

Quality of Care for Youth Hospitalized for Suicidal Ideation and Self-Harm: Quality of Inpatient Care for Suicidal Ideation.

Academic pediatrics

Connell SK, Burkhart Q, Tolpadi A, Parast L, Gidengil CA, Yung S, Basco WT, Williams D, Britto MT, Brittan M, Wood KE, Bardach N, McGalliard J, Mangione-Smith R, Pediatric Research in Inpatient Settings (PRIS) Network

Using Standardized Patients to Augment Communication Skills and Self-Efficacy in Caring for Transgender Youth.

Academic pediatrics

Vance SR, Dentoni-Lasofsky B, Ozer E, Deutsch MB, Meyers MJ, Buckelew SM

Impact of a National Quality Collaborative on Pediatric Asthma Care Quality by Insurance Status.

Academic pediatrics

Schechter S, Pantell M, Parikh K, Nkoy F, McCulloh R, Fassl B, Kaiser S

Prenatal and Childhood Tobacco Smoke Exposure Are Associated With Sleep-Disordered Breathing Throughout Early Childhood.

Academic pediatrics

Ramirez FD, Groner JA, Ramirez JL, McEvoy CT, Owens JA, McCulloch CE, Cabana MD, Abuabara K

Update on Screen-related Parenting Practices in Early Childhood.

Academic pediatrics

Thompson DA, Tschann JM
