Advancing Healthcare Reform: The American Heart Association's 2020 Statement of Principles for Adequate, Accessible, and Affordable Health Care: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association.

Warner JJ, Benjamin IJ, Churchwell K, Firestone G, Gardner TJ, Johnson JC, Ng-Osorio J, Rodriguez CJ, Todman L, Yaffe K, Yancy CW, Harrington RA. Advancing Healthcare Reform: The American Heart Association's 2020 Statement of Principles for Adequate, Accessible, and Affordable Health Care: A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2020 Feb 03; CIR0000000000000759.


Warner JJ, Benjamin IJ, Churchwell K, Firestone G, Gardner TJ, Johnson JC, Ng-Osorio J, Rodriguez CJ, Todman L, Yaffe K, Yancy CW, Harrington RA