AIDS and behavior

Misclassification of men with reported HIV infection in Ukraine.

AIDS and behavior

Cakalo JI, Božicevic I, Vitek C, Mandel JS, Salyuk T, Rutherford GW

Misclassification of men with reported HIV infection in Ukraine.

AIDS and behavior

Cakalo JI, Božicevic I, Vitek C, Mandel JS, Salyuk T, Rutherford GW

Using Interactive Web-Based Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment in an Urban, Safety-Net HIV Clinic.

AIDS and behavior

Dawson Rose C, Cuca YP, Kamitani E, Eng S, Zepf R, Draughon J, Lum P

High HIV prevalence in a respondent-driven sampling survey of injection drug users in Tehran, Iran.

AIDS and behavior

Malekinejad M, Mohraz M, Razani N, Akbari G, McFarland W, Khairandish P, Malekafzali H, Gouya MM, Zarghami A, Rutherford GW

High HIV prevalence in a respondent-driven sampling survey of injection drug users in Tehran, Iran.

AIDS and behavior

Malekinejad M, Mohraz M, Razani N, Akbari G, McFarland W, Khairandish P, Malekafzali H, Gouya MM, Zarghami A, Rutherford GW

Neighborhood context and Black heterosexual men's sexual HIV risk behaviors.

AIDS and behavior

Bowleg L, Neilands TB, Tabb LP, Burkholder GJ, Malebranche DJ, Tschann JM

Neighborhood context and Black heterosexual men's sexual HIV risk behaviors.

AIDS and behavior

Bowleg L, Neilands TB, Tabb LP, Burkholder GJ, Malebranche DJ, Tschann JM

Peer social support is associated with recent HIV testing among young black men who have sex with men.

AIDS and behavior

Scott HM, Pollack L, Rebchook GM, Huebner DM, Peterson J, Kegeles SM
