American journal of public health

Beyond the cross-sectional: neighborhood poverty histories and preterm birth.

American journal of public health

Margerison-Zilko C, Cubbin C, Jun J, Marchi K, Fingar K, Braveman P

Use of life course work-family profiles to predict mortality risk among US women.

American journal of public health

Sabbath EL, Guevara IM, Glymour MM, Berkman LF

Use of life course work-family profiles to predict mortality risk among US women.

American journal of public health

Sabbath EL, Guevara IM, Glymour MM, Berkman LF

Health effects of unemployment benefit program generosity.

American journal of public health

Cylus J, Glymour MM, Avendano M

Health effects of unemployment benefit program generosity.

American journal of public health

Cylus J, Glymour MM, Avendano M

Predictors of Tobacco Use Among New York State Addiction Treatment Patients.

American journal of public health

Guydish J, Yu J, Le T, Pagano A, Delucchi K
