American journal of public health

Condom use in multi-ethnic neighborhoods of San Francisco: the population-based AMEN (AIDS in Multi-Ethnic Neighborhoods) Study.

American journal of public health

Catania JA, Coates TJ, Kegeles S, Fullilove MT, Peterson J, Marin B, Siegel D, Hulley S

Evaluating needle exchange: do distributed needles come back?

American journal of public health

Guydish J, Clark G, Garcia D, Downing M, Case P, Sorensen JL

The impact of HIV-related illness on employment.

American journal of public health

Yelin EH, Greenblatt RM, Hollander H, McMaster JR

The impact of HIV-related illness on employment.

American journal of public health

Yelin EH, Greenblatt RM, Hollander H, McMaster JR

HIV seroconversion in two homosexual men after receptive oral intercourse with ejaculation: implications for counseling concerning safe sexual practices.

American journal of public health

Lifson AR, O'Malley PM, Hessol NA, Buchbinder SP, Cannon L, Rutherford GW

HIV seroconversion in two homosexual men after receptive oral intercourse with ejaculation: implications for counseling concerning safe sexual practices.

American journal of public health

Lifson AR, O'Malley PM, Hessol NA, Buchbinder SP, Cannon L, Rutherford GW

The utility of multiple strategies for understanding complex behaviors.

American journal of public health

Adler NE, Kegeles SM, Irwin CE

The utility of multiple strategies for understanding complex behaviors.

American journal of public health

Adler NE, Kegeles SM, Irwin CE
