American journal of public health

Nonclient factors in the reporting of prenatal psychosocial risk assessments.

American journal of public health

Wilkinson DS, Korenbrot CC, Fuentes-Afflick E

Nonclient factors in the reporting of prenatal psychosocial risk assessments.

American journal of public health

Wilkinson DS, Korenbrot CC, Fuentes-Afflick E

The effect of ordinances requiring smoke-free restaurants on restaurant sales.

American journal of public health

Glantz SA, Smith LR

The effect of ordinances requiring smoke-free restaurants on restaurant sales.

American journal of public health

Glantz SA, Smith LR

Popular films do not reflect current tobacco use.

American journal of public health

Hazan AR, Lipton HL, Glantz SA

Are bisexually identified men in San Francisco a common vector for spreading HIV infection to women?

American journal of public health

Ekstrand ML, Coates TJ, Guydish JR, Hauck WW, Collette L, Hulley SB

Are bisexually identified men in San Francisco a common vector for spreading HIV infection to women?

American journal of public health

Ekstrand ML, Coates TJ, Guydish JR, Hauck WW, Collette L, Hulley SB

Popular films do not reflect current tobacco use.

American journal of public health

Hazan AR, Lipton HL, Glantz SA

Preventing occupational illness and injury: nurse practitioners as primary care providers.

American journal of public health

Lipscomb J, Burgel B, McGill LW, Blanc P

Preventing occupational illness and injury: nurse practitioners as primary care providers.

American journal of public health

Lipscomb J, Burgel B, McGill LW, Blanc P
