Annals of epidemiology

nIntergenerational Educational Mobility and Type 2 Diabetes in the Sacramento Area Latino Study of Aging.

Annals of epidemiology

Fernández-Rhodes L, Ward JB, Martin CL, Zeki-Al-Hazzouri A, Torres J, Gordon-Larsen P, Haan MN, Aiello AE

Does NAFLD Mediate the Relationship Between Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Risk? Evidence from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA).

Annals of epidemiology

Rodriguez LA, Kanaya AM, Shiboski SC, Fernandez A, Herrington D, Ding J, Bradshaw PT

Response to Acquavella J, conflict of interest: a hazard for epidemiology.

Annals of epidemiology

Soskolne CL, Advani S, Sass J, Bero LA, Ruff K

Initiation of antidepressant medication and risk of incident stroke: using the Adult Changes in Thought cohort to address time-varying confounding.

Annals of epidemiology

Glymour MM, Gibbons LE, Gilsanz P, Gross AL, Mez J, Brewster PW, Marden J, Zahodne LB, Nho K, Hamilton J, Li G, Larson EB, Crane PK

Neighborhood language isolation and depressive symptoms among elderly U.S. Latinos.

Annals of epidemiology

Ward JB, Albrecht SS, Robinson WR, Pence BW, Maselko J, Haan MN, Aiello AE

Science, politics, and communication: The Case of Community Water Fluoridation in the US.

Annals of epidemiology

Allukian M, Carter-Pokras OD, Gooch BF, Horowitz AM, Iida H, Jacob M, Kleinman DV, Kumar J, Maas WR, Pollick H, Rozier RG

Science, politics, and communication: The Case of Community Water Fluoridation in the US.

Annals of epidemiology

Allukian M, Carter-Pokras OD, Gooch BF, Horowitz AM, Iida H, Jacob M, Kleinman DV, Kumar J, Maas WR, Pollick H, Rozier RG

Adverse childhood experiences and later life adult obesity and smoking in the United States.

Annals of epidemiology

Rehkopf DH, Headen I, Hubbard A, Deardorff J, Kesavan Y, Cohen AK, Patil D, Ritchie LD, Abrams B
