
The application of radionuclide infarct scintigraphy to diagnose perioperative myocardial infarction following revascularization.


Klausner SC, Botvinick EH, Shames D, Ullyot DJ, Fishman NH, Roe BB, Ebert PA, Chatterjee K, Parmley WW

The application of radionuclide infarct scintigraphy to diagnose perioperative myocardial infarction following revascularization.


Klausner SC, Botvinick EH, Shames D, Ullyot DJ, Fishman NH, Roe BB, Ebert PA, Chatterjee K, Parmley WW

HDL cholesterol and other lipids in coronary heart disease. The cooperative lipoprotein phenotyping study.


Castelli WP, Doyle JT, Gordon T, Hames CG, Hjortland MC, Hulley SB, Kagan A, Zukel WJ

Noninvasive quantitation of myocardial infarction with technetium 99m pyrophosphate.


Botvinick EH, Shames D, Lappin H, Tyberg JV, Townsend R, Parmley WW

Noninvasive quantitation of myocardial infarction with technetium 99m pyrophosphate.


Botvinick EH, Shames D, Lappin H, Tyberg JV, Townsend R, Parmley WW

Echocardiographic demonstration of early mitral valve closure in severe aortic insufficiency. Its clinical implications.


Botvinick EH, Schiller NB, Wickramasekaran R, Klausner SC, Gertz E
