JAMA pediatrics

Evaluation of the effect of human immunodeficiency virus-related structural interventions: the connect to protect project.

JAMA pediatrics

Ellen JM, Greenberg L, Willard N, Korelitz J, Kapogiannis BG, Monte D, Boyer CB, Harper GW, Henry-Reid LM, Friedman LB, Gonin R

Risk for cerebral palsy in infants with total serum bilirubin levels at or above the exchange transfusion threshold: a population-based study.

JAMA pediatrics

Wu YW, Kuzniewicz MW, Wickremasinghe AC, Walsh EM, Wi S, McCulloch CE, Newman TB

Risk for cerebral palsy in infants with total serum bilirubin levels at or above the exchange transfusion threshold: a population-based study.

JAMA pediatrics

Wu YW, Kuzniewicz MW, Wickremasinghe AC, Walsh EM, Wi S, McCulloch CE, Newman TB

Evaluation of the effect of human immunodeficiency virus-related structural interventions: the connect to protect project.

JAMA pediatrics

Ellen JM, Greenberg L, Willard N, Korelitz J, Kapogiannis BG, Monte D, Boyer CB, Harper GW, Henry-Reid LM, Friedman LB, Gonin R

Social and public health perspectives of promotion of breastfeeding.

JAMA pediatrics

Flaherman VJ, Fuentes-Afflick E

Social and public health perspectives of promotion of breastfeeding.

JAMA pediatrics

Flaherman VJ, Fuentes-Afflick E

Youth tobacco use and electronic cigarettes--reply.

JAMA pediatrics

Dutra LM, Glantz SA

Youth tobacco use and electronic cigarettes--reply.

JAMA pediatrics

Dutra LM, Glantz SA
