Journal of dental education

Reliability and validity of a manual dexterity test to predict preclinical grades.

Journal of dental education

Gansky SA, Pritchard H, Kahl E, Mendoza D, Bird W, Miller AJ, Graham D

Reliability and validity of a manual dexterity test to predict preclinical grades.

Journal of dental education

Gansky SA, Pritchard H, Kahl E, Mendoza D, Bird W, Miller AJ, Graham D

Oral screening and brief spit tobacco cessation counseling: a review and findings.

Journal of dental education

Gansky SA, Ellison JA, Kavanagh C, Hilton JF, Walsh MM

Oral screening and brief spit tobacco cessation counseling: a review and findings.

Journal of dental education

Gansky SA, Ellison JA, Kavanagh C, Hilton JF, Walsh MM

Current and future prospects for oral health science and technology.

Journal of dental education

Greenspan JS, Kahn AJ, Marshall SJ, Newbrun E, Plesh O

Current and future prospects for oral health science and technology.

Journal of dental education

Greenspan JS, Kahn AJ, Marshall SJ, Newbrun E, Plesh O

Hazards of occupational transmission and strategies for prevention of infectious disease in dental education.

Journal of dental education

McCauley KR, Gerbert BJ, Greene JC, Robertson PB, Littlejohn C, Greenspan D, Greenspan JS

Hazards of occupational transmission and strategies for prevention of infectious disease in dental education.

Journal of dental education

McCauley KR, Gerbert BJ, Greene JC, Robertson PB, Littlejohn C, Greenspan D, Greenspan JS
