Journal of pain and symptom management

Symptom Clusters From Dialysis to Renal Transplantation: A Five-Year Longitudinal Study.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Amro A, Waldum-Grevbo B, von der Lippe N, Brekke FB, Miaskowski C, Os I

Phenotypic and Molecular Evidence Suggests That Decrements in Morning and Evening Energy Are Distinct but Related Symptoms.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Aouizerat BE, Dhruva A, Paul SM, Cooper BA, Kober KM, Miaskowski C

Phenotypic and Molecular Evidence Suggests That Decrements in Morning and Evening Energy Are Distinct but Related Symptoms.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Aouizerat BE, Dhruva A, Paul SM, Cooper BA, Kober KM, Miaskowski C

Trajectories of Evening Fatigue in Oncology Outpatients Receiving Chemotherapy.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Wright F, D'Eramo Melkus G, Hammer M, Schmidt BL, Knobf MT, Paul SM, Cartwright F, Mastick J, Cooper BA, Chen LM, Melisko M, Levine JD, Kober K, Aouizerat BE, Miaskowski C

Predictors and Trajectories of Morning Fatigue Are Distinct From Evening Fatigue.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Wright F, D'Eramo Melkus G, Hammer M, Schmidt BL, Knobf MT, Paul SM, Cartwright F, Mastick J, Cooper BA, Chen LM, Melisko M, Levine JD, Kober K, Aouizerat BE, Miaskowski C

Trajectories of Evening Fatigue in Oncology Outpatients Receiving Chemotherapy.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Wright F, D'Eramo Melkus G, Hammer M, Schmidt BL, Knobf MT, Paul SM, Cartwright F, Mastick J, Cooper BA, Chen LM, Melisko M, Levine JD, Kober K, Aouizerat BE, Miaskowski C

Predictors and Trajectories of Morning Fatigue Are Distinct From Evening Fatigue.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Wright F, D'Eramo Melkus G, Hammer M, Schmidt BL, Knobf MT, Paul SM, Cartwright F, Mastick J, Cooper BA, Chen LM, Melisko M, Levine JD, Kober K, Aouizerat BE, Miaskowski C

A Cross-Sectional Relationship Between Social Capital, Self-Compassion, and Perceived HIV Symptoms.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Webel AR, Wantland D, Rose CD, Kemppainen J, Holzemer WL, Chen WT, Johnson MO, Nicholas P, Eller LS, Chaiphibalsarisdi P, Sefcik E, Nokes K, Corless IB, Tyer-Viola L, Kirksey K, Voss J, Sullivan K, Rivero-Méndez M, Brion J, Iipinge S, Phillips JC, Portillo C

A Cross-Sectional Relationship Between Social Capital, Self-Compassion, and Perceived HIV Symptoms.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Webel AR, Wantland D, Rose CD, Kemppainen J, Holzemer WL, Chen WT, Johnson MO, Nicholas P, Eller LS, Chaiphibalsarisdi P, Sefcik E, Nokes K, Corless IB, Tyer-Viola L, Kirksey K, Voss J, Sullivan K, Rivero-Méndez M, Brion J, Iipinge S, Phillips JC, Portillo C

Latent Class Analysis Reveals Distinct Subgroups of Patients Based on Symptom Occurrence and Demographic and Clinical Characteristics.

Journal of pain and symptom management

Miaskowski C, Dunn L, Ritchie C, Paul SM, Cooper B, Aouizerat BE, Alexander K, Skerman H, Yates P
