Pediatric research

Social epidemiology of early adolescent nutrition.

Pediatric research

Nagata JM, Helmer CK, Wong J, Diep T, Domingue SK, Do R, Ervin R, Mehta AS, Al-Shoaibi AAA, Gooding HC, Ganson KT, Testa A, Baker FC, Garber AK

Social factors and health: pathways and promise.

Pediatric research

Fuentes-Afflick E

Associations between Social Adversity and Biomarkers of Inflammation, Stress, and Aging in Children.

Pediatric research

Pantell MS, Silveira PP, de Mendonça Filho EJ, Wing H, Brown EM, Keeton VF, Pokhvisneva I, O'Donnell KJ, Neuhaus J, Hessler D, Meaney MJ, Adler NE, Gottlieb LM

Parent and staff perceptions of racism in a single-center neonatal intensive care unit.

Pediatric research

Karvonen KL, Smith O, Chambers Butcher BD, Franck LS, McKenzie-Sampson S, McLemore MR, Pantell MS, Rogers EE

Asperger's syndrome - about time to rename it?

Pediatric research

Bearer C, Abman SH, Agostoni C, Ballard P, Bliss J, de Boode WP, Canpolat FE, Chalak L, Cilio MR, Dammann O, Davis J, El-Metwally D, Ferriero D, Ford S, Fuentes-Afflick E, Gano D, Giussani D, Gonzalez F, Gunn A, Hogeveen M, Huang AY, Kaplan J, Klebanoff M, Lachman P, Mak R, Malhotra A, Miller S, Mitchell WB, Molloy E, Mulkey SB, Roland D, Sampath V, Sant'Anna G, Schaff P, Singer LT, Stroustrup A, Tingay D, Tiribelli C, Toldi G, Tryggestad J, Valente EM, Wilson-Costello D, Zupancic J

Reducing the risks of nuclear war-the role of health professionals.

Pediatric research

Abbasi K, Ali P, Barbour V, Bibbins-Domingo K, Olde Rikkert MGM, Horton R, Mash R, Monteiro C, Naumova EN, Rubin EJ, Sahni P, Tumwine J, Yonga P, Zielinski C, Mitra A, Ruff T, Haines A, Helfand I

Linking specific biological signatures to different childhood adversities: findings from the HERO project.

Pediatric research

de Mendon?a Filho EJ, Pokhvisneva I, Maalouf CM, Parent C, Mliner SB, Slopen N, Williams DR, Bush NR, Boyce WT, Levitt P, Nelson CA, Gunnar MR, Meaney MJ, Shonkoff JP, Silveira PP, JPB Research Network on Toxic Stress

Structural racism is associated with adverse postnatal outcomes among Black preterm infants.

Pediatric research

Karvonen KL, McKenzie-Sampson S, Baer RJ, Jelliffe-Pawlowski L, Rogers EE, Pantell MS, Chambers BD
