PLoS medicine

Screening and rapid molecular diagnosis of tuberculosis in prisons in Russia and Eastern Europe: a cost-effectiveness analysis.

PLoS medicine

Winetsky DE, Negoescu DM, DeMarchis EH, Almukhamedova O, Dooronbekova A, Pulatov D, Vezhnina N, Owens DK, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD

Multidrug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis treatment regimens and patient outcomes: an individual patient data meta-analysis of 9,153 patients.

PLoS medicine

Ahuja SD, Ashkin D, Avendano M, Banerjee R, Bauer M, Bayona JN, Becerra MC, Benedetti A, Burgos M, Centis R, Chan ED, Chiang CY, Cox H, D'Ambrosio L, DeRiemer K, Dung NH, Enarson D, Falzon D, Flanagan K, Flood J, Garcia-Garcia ML, Gandhi N, Granich RM, Hollm-Delgado MG, Holtz TH, Iseman MD, Jarlsberg LG, Keshavjee S, Kim HR, Koh WJ, Lancaster J, Lange C, de Lange WC, Leimane V, Leung CC, Li J, Menzies D, Migliori GB, Mishustin SP, Mitnick CD, Narita M, O'Riordan P, Pai M, Palmero D, Park SK, Pasvol G, Peña J, Pérez-Guzmán C, Quelapio MI, Ponce-de-Leon A, Riekstina V, Robert J, Royce S, Schaaf HS, Seung KJ, Shah L, Shim TS, Shin SS, Shiraishi Y, Sifuentes-Osornio J, Sotgiu G, Strand MJ, Tabarsi P, Tupasi TE, van Altena R, Van der Walt M, Van der Werf TS, Vargas MH, Viiklepp P, Westenhouse J, Yew WW, Yim JJ

Multidrug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis treatment regimens and patient outcomes: an individual patient data meta-analysis of 9,153 patients.

PLoS medicine

Ahuja SD, Ashkin D, Avendano M, Banerjee R, Bauer M, Bayona JN, Becerra MC, Benedetti A, Burgos M, Centis R, Chan ED, Chiang CY, Cox H, D'Ambrosio L, DeRiemer K, Dung NH, Enarson D, Falzon D, Flanagan K, Flood J, Garcia-Garcia ML, Gandhi N, Granich RM, Hollm-Delgado MG, Holtz TH, Iseman MD, Jarlsberg LG, Keshavjee S, Kim HR, Koh WJ, Lancaster J, Lange C, de Lange WC, Leimane V, Leung CC, Li J, Menzies D, Migliori GB, Mishustin SP, Mitnick CD, Narita M, O'Riordan P, Pai M, Palmero D, Park SK, Pasvol G, Peña J, Pérez-Guzmán C, Quelapio MI, Ponce-de-Leon A, Riekstina V, Robert J, Royce S, Schaaf HS, Seung KJ, Shah L, Shim TS, Shin SS, Shiraishi Y, Sifuentes-Osornio J, Sotgiu G, Strand MJ, Tabarsi P, Tupasi TE, van Altena R, Van der Walt M, Van der Werf TS, Vargas MH, Viiklepp P, Westenhouse J, Yew WW, Yim JJ

Mandatory disclosure of pharmaceutical industry-funded events for health professionals.

PLoS medicine

Robertson J, Moynihan R, Walkom E, Bero L, Henry D

Mandatory disclosure of pharmaceutical industry-funded events for health professionals.

PLoS medicine

Robertson J, Moynihan R, Walkom E, Bero L, Henry D
