PloS one

Preventing the reintroduction of malaria in Mauritius: a programmatic and financial assessment.

PloS one

Tatarsky A, Aboobakar S, Cohen JM, Gopee N, Bheecarry A, Moonasar D, Phillips AA, Kahn JG, Moonen B, Smith DL, Sabot O

Preventing the reintroduction of malaria in Mauritius: a programmatic and financial assessment.

PloS one

Tatarsky A, Aboobakar S, Cohen JM, Gopee N, Bheecarry A, Moonasar D, Phillips AA, Kahn JG, Moonen B, Smith DL, Sabot O

Widowhood and mortality: a meta-analysis.

PloS one

Moon JR, Kondo N, Glymour MM, Subramanian SV

Widowhood and mortality: a meta-analysis.

PloS one

Moon JR, Kondo N, Glymour MM, Subramanian SV

Serological studies confirm the novel astrovirus HMOAstV-C as a highly prevalent human infectious agent.

PloS one

Burbelo PD, Ching KH, Esper F, Iadarola MJ, Delwart E, Lipkin WI, Kapoor A

Serological studies confirm the novel astrovirus HMOAstV-C as a highly prevalent human infectious agent.

PloS one

Burbelo PD, Ching KH, Esper F, Iadarola MJ, Delwart E, Lipkin WI, Kapoor A

Contribution of pollinator-mediated crops to nutrients in the human food supply.

PloS one

Eilers EJ, Kremen C, Smith Greenleaf S, Garber AK, Klein AM

Cumulative inflammatory load is associated with short leukocyte telomere length in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study.

PloS one

O'Donovan A, Pantell MS, Puterman E, Dhabhar FS, Blackburn EH, Yaffe K, Cawthon RM, Opresko PL, Hsueh WC, Satterfield S, Newman AB, Ayonayon HN, Rubin SM, Harris TB, Epel ES
