Psychosomatic medicine

Hostility and the progression of carotid atherosclerosis.

Psychosomatic medicine

Julkunen J, Salonen R, Kaplan GA, Chesney MA, Salonen JT

Hostility and the progression of carotid atherosclerosis.

Psychosomatic medicine

Julkunen J, Salonen R, Kaplan GA, Chesney MA, Salonen JT

Pathological grief: diagnosis and explanation.

Psychosomatic medicine

Horowitz MJ, Bonanno GA, Holen A

Pathological grief: diagnosis and explanation.

Psychosomatic medicine

Horowitz MJ, Bonanno GA, Holen A

Behavioral clusters and coronary heart disease risk.

Psychosomatic medicine

Houston BK, Chesney MA, Black GW, Cates DS, Hecker MH

Behavioral clusters and coronary heart disease risk.

Psychosomatic medicine

Houston BK, Chesney MA, Black GW, Cates DS, Hecker MH
