Psychosomatic medicine

The Association Between Psychiatric Disorders and Telomere Length: A Meta-Analysis Involving 14,827 Persons.

Psychosomatic medicine

Darrow SM, Verhoeven JE, Révész D, Lindqvist D, Penninx BW, Delucchi KL, Wolkowitz OM, Mathews CA

The Association Between Psychiatric Disorders and Telomere Length: A Meta-Analysis Involving 14,827 Persons.

Psychosomatic medicine

Darrow SM, Verhoeven JE, Révész D, Lindqvist D, Penninx BW, Delucchi KL, Wolkowitz OM, Mathews CA

Metabolic risk factors and posttraumatic stress disorder: the role of sleep in young, healthy adults.

Psychosomatic medicine

Talbot LS, Rao MN, Cohen BE, Richards A, Inslicht SS, O'Donovan A, Maguen S, Metzler TJ, Neylan TC

Metabolic risk factors and posttraumatic stress disorder: the role of sleep in young, healthy adults.

Psychosomatic medicine

Talbot LS, Rao MN, Cohen BE, Richards A, Inslicht SS, O'Donovan A, Maguen S, Metzler TJ, Neylan TC
