International journal of nursing studies

Patient perceptions of tobacco control after smoke-free hospital grounds legislation: Multi-center cross-sectional study.

International journal of nursing studies

Martínez C, Castellano Y, Fu M, Riccobene A, Feliu A, Tigova O, Ballbè M, Anton L, Fernández P, Cabrera-Jaime S, Puig-Llobet M, Moreno C, Falcó-Pegueroles A, Galimany J, Estrada JM, Guydish J, Fernández E

The electronic health record's impact on nurses' cognitive work: An integrative review.

International journal of nursing studies

Wisner K, Lyndon A, Chesla CA

Registered nurses' preferences for rural and urban jobs: A discrete choice experiment.

International journal of nursing studies

Fields BE, Bell JF, Bigbee JL, Thurston H, Spetz J

The Little Schmidy Pediatric Hospital Fall Risk Assessment Index: A diagnostic accuracy study.

International journal of nursing studies

Franck LS, Gay CL, Cooper B, Ezrre S, Murphy B, Chan JS, Buick M, Meer CR

Predictors of parent post-traumatic stress symptoms after child hospitalization on general pediatric wards: a prospective cohort study.

International journal of nursing studies

Franck LS, Wray J, Gay C, Dearmun AK, Lee K, Cooper BA

Internet ethnography: a review of methodological considerations for studying online illness blogs.

International journal of nursing studies

Keim-Malpass J, Steeves RH, Kennedy C

The effects of RN staffing hours on nursing home quality: a two-stage model.

International journal of nursing studies

Lee HY, Blegen MA, Harrington C

The effects of RN staffing hours on nursing home quality: a two-stage model.

International journal of nursing studies

Lee HY, Blegen MA, Harrington C

Changes in and predictors of severity of fatigue in women with breast cancer: A longitudinal study.

International journal of nursing studies

Huang HP, Chen ML, Liang J, Miaskowski C

Changes in and predictors of severity of fatigue in women with breast cancer: A longitudinal study.

International journal of nursing studies

Huang HP, Chen ML, Liang J, Miaskowski C
