
2019 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease.


Arnett DK, Blumenthal RS, Albert MA, Buroker AB, Goldberger ZD, Hahn EJ, Himmelfarb CD, Khera A, Lloyd-Jones D, McEvoy JW, Michos ED, Miedema MD, Muñoz D, Smith SC, Virani SS, Williams KA, Yeboah J, Ziaeian B

Abstract P268: Long and Short Sleep and Obesity in the Women’s Health Study.


Eva M Durazo, Tiffany M Powell-Wiley, Susan Redline, Natalie Slopen, Aric Prather, David R Williams, Julie E Buring, Michelle A Albert

Abstract P085: Extremes of Sleep Duration and Type II Diabetes in Older Women Participating in the Women’s Health Study.


Jonathan Z Butler, Natalie Slopen, Susan Redline, Mercedes Carnethon, David R Williams, Tiffany M Powell-Wiley, Aruna Pradhan, Julie Buring, Michelle A Albert

Cumulative Psychosocial Stress and Ideal Cardiovascular Health in Older Women: Data by Race/Ethnicity.


Burroughs-Peña MS, Mbassa RS, Slopen NB, Williams DR, Buring J, Albert MA

Associations of Income Volatility With Incident Cardiovascular Disease and All-Cause Mortality in a US Cohort.


Elfassy T, Swift SL, Glymour MM, Calonico S, Jacobs DR, Mayeda ER, Kershaw KN, Kiefe C, Zeki Al Hazzouri A

Potential Cardiovascular Disease Events Prevented with Adoption of the 2017 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Blood Pressure Guideline.


Bress AP, Colantonio LD, Cooper RS, Kramer H, Booth JN, Odden MC, Bibbins-Domingo K, Shimbo D, Whelton PK, Levitan EB, Howard G, Bellows BK, Kleindorfer D, Safford MM, Muntner P, Moran AE

Abstract P323: Sleep Debt and Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Middle Aged and Older Women.


Jonathan Z Butler, Natalie Slopen, Susan Redline, Alan M Zaslavsky, David R Williams, Aruna Pradhan, Julie Buring, Michelle A Albert

Cardiovascular Health in African Americans: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.


Carnethon MR, Pu J, Howard G, Albert MA, Anderson CAM, Bertoni AG, Mujahid MS, Palaniappan L, Taylor HA, Willis M, Yancy CW

Evaluating the Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of Statin Use Guidelines for Primary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease and Stroke.


Heller DJ, Coxson PG, Penko J, Pletcher MJ, Goldman L, Odden MC, Kazi DS, Bibbins-Domingo K
