Preventive medicine

Physical activity as a strategy for maintaining tobacco abstinence: a randomized trial.

Preventive medicine

Prochaska JJ, Hall SM, Humfleet G, Munoz RF, Reus V, Gorecki J, Hu D

Clean indoor air laws immediately reduce heart attacks.

Preventive medicine

Dinno A, Glantz S

Clean indoor air laws immediately reduce heart attacks.

Preventive medicine

Dinno A, Glantz S

Factors affecting participation in a breast cancer risk reduction telephone survey among women from four racial/ethnic groups.

Preventive medicine

Des Jarlais G, Kaplan CP, Haas JS, Gregorich SE, Pérez-Stable EJ, Kerlikowske K

Factors affecting participation in a breast cancer risk reduction telephone survey among women from four racial/ethnic groups.

Preventive medicine

Des Jarlais G, Kaplan CP, Haas JS, Gregorich SE, Pérez-Stable EJ, Kerlikowske K

Statewide evaluation of a tobacco cessation curriculum for pharmacy students.

Preventive medicine

Corelli RL, Kroon LA, Chung EP, Sakamoto LM, Gundersen B, Fenlon CM, Hudmon KS

Statewide evaluation of a tobacco cessation curriculum for pharmacy students.

Preventive medicine

Corelli RL, Kroon LA, Chung EP, Sakamoto LM, Gundersen B, Fenlon CM, Hudmon KS

Evaluation of a cognitive-behavioral, group, randomized controlled intervention trial to prevent sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies in young women.

Preventive medicine

Boyer CB, Shafer MA, Shaffer RA, Brodine SK, Pollack LM, Betsinger K, Chang YJ, Kraft HS, Schachter J
