Preventive medicine

Evaluation of a cognitive-behavioral, group, randomized controlled intervention trial to prevent sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies in young women.

Preventive medicine

Boyer CB, Shafer MA, Shaffer RA, Brodine SK, Pollack LM, Betsinger K, Chang YJ, Kraft HS, Schachter J

Appropriate antibiotic use: variation in knowledge and awareness by Hispanic ethnicity and language.

Preventive medicine

Corbett KK, Gonzales R, Leeman-Castillo BA, Flores E, Maselli J, Kafadar K

Appropriate antibiotic use: variation in knowledge and awareness by Hispanic ethnicity and language.

Preventive medicine

Corbett KK, Gonzales R, Leeman-Castillo BA, Flores E, Maselli J, Kafadar K

Factors affecting breast cancer risk reduction practices among California physicians.

Preventive medicine

Kaplan CP, Haas JS, Pérez-Stable EJ, Des Jarlais G, Gregorich SE

Factors affecting breast cancer risk reduction practices among California physicians.

Preventive medicine

Kaplan CP, Haas JS, Pérez-Stable EJ, Des Jarlais G, Gregorich SE

Validating outdoor workers' self-report of sun protection.

Preventive medicine

Oh SS, Mayer JA, Lewis EC, Slymen DJ, Sallis JF, Elder JP, Eckhardt L, Achter A, Weinstock M, Eichenfield L, Pichon LC, Galindo GR

Validating outdoor workers' self-report of sun protection.

Preventive medicine

Oh SS, Mayer JA, Lewis EC, Slymen DJ, Sallis JF, Elder JP, Eckhardt L, Achter A, Weinstock M, Eichenfield L, Pichon LC, Galindo GR

Colon cancer screening in the ambulatory setting.

Preventive medicine

Walsh JM, Posner SF, Perez-Stable EJ
